View Full Version : Herpes HSV Type 1

22-07-2016, 11:43 PM
Just discovered that I have HSV Type 1.

And I have not been fooling around! How to explain to wife???

super stressed... :(

23-07-2016, 03:02 AM
70% to 80% of the world's adult population have Herpes Type 1.

It is usually caught during childhood either from other children or transmitted from parents/relatives to children.

It is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease.

I do not understand why you would have a problem telling your wife. She probably is infected too. If she isn't she's an exception rather than the rule.


23-07-2016, 11:32 AM
tell her u got it from her :eek:

Just discovered that I have HSV Type 1.

And I have not been fooling around! How to explain to wife???

super stressed... :(

23-07-2016, 02:45 PM
tell her u got it from her :eek:

That may indeed be the case. :p

23-07-2016, 02:51 PM
or the wife got it from the ex/current boyfriend :eek: :D

That may indeed be the case. :p

24-07-2016, 10:56 PM
Why is it called Herpes if it is not a STD?

Wife would never believe me that I am innocent...

70% to 80% of the world's adult population have Herpes Type 1.

It is usually caught during childhood either from other children or transmitted from parents/relatives to children.

It is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease.

I do not understand why you would have a problem telling your wife. She probably is infected too. If she isn't she's an exception rather than the rule.


24-07-2016, 11:10 PM
Why is it called Herpes if it is not a STD?

Wife would never believe me that I am innocent...

Here's a credible link from Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/herpes-cold-sore-std-89411

Honestly speaking, if your wife isn't going to believe you after listening to facts, I do think that the both of you might need to see a marriage counsellor.

25-07-2016, 03:18 AM
Why is it called Herpes if it is not a STD?

Wife would never believe me that I am innocent...

Herpes is a family of viruses that infect nerve ganglia.

Chickenpox is herpes too. Anyone who has had chickenpox is infected for life with the Herpes Zoster virus. If your wife has had chickenpox then she has Herpes too. It can recur as shingles many years later.

Here's a list of all the Human Herpes viruses.

Herpes simplex type I (HHV-1) (cause of cold sores on the lips and facial areas)
Herpes simplex type II (HHV-2) (genital herpes)
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV/HHV-3) (causes chicken pox)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV/HHV-4) (mononucleosis)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV/HHV-5)
Human herpes virus type 6 (HBLV/HHV-6)
Human herpes virus type 7 (HHV-7)
Kaposi's sarcoma herpes virus (KSHV/HHV-8)

Only Herpes simplex type II (genital herpes) is considered to be an STD.

25-07-2016, 01:59 PM
if innocent why are u here? in this forum?

Why is it called Herpes if it is not a STD?

Wife would never believe me that I am innocent...

27-07-2016, 11:04 PM
how do I find out how i got HSV 1? Is it really so easily transmitted? Even by sharing drinks?

28-07-2016, 03:40 AM
how do I find out how i got HSV 1? Is it really so easily transmitted? Even by sharing drinks?

It is impossible to scientifically determine exactly when you caught the virus but it could have been from anywhere or anyone..one of your parents, relatives, friends you shared a drink with, during a close contact sport, shared towel etc.

80% of the adult population has the virus so if you're in a room with 40 others then 32 of them are infected.



Transmission of Cold Sores

When a noninfected person has direct skin-to-skin or mucous membrane contact with someone who has an active cold sore, transmission generally occurs. Touching an item that has come into contact with a cold sore is another way to spread to the virus. Kissing a person with an active cold sore is the most common means of transmission.

How Are Cold Sores Spread?

Cold sores (also known as fever blisters or known medically as herpes labialis) are caused by a highly contagious virus known as the herpes simplex virus (see Cold Sore Causes). This virus is spread through direct skin-to-skin or mucous membrane contact when a cold sore is present.

It may also be spread through contact with an item that has come in contact with a cold sore. There are actually two types: herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2).

There are many common ways through which cold sore transmission can occur. The most common way is through kissing a person with an active cold sore. Other common ways that cold sores are spread include:

Sharing utensils, drinks, napkins, towels, toothbrushes, or any other objects that have touched a cold sore

Touching the cold sore and then touching the skin of another person
Performing oral sex on a person with active genital herpes (the herpes simplex virus that causes genital herpes can also cause cold sores).

Cold sores can be transmitted at any time that cold sore symptoms are present. This means that transmission can occur from the first tingle until the cold sore is completely healed.

28-07-2016, 09:59 PM
So it seems like it is really easy to get HSV type 1?

Even when we share drinks at a pub with friends?

It is impossible to scientifically determine exactly when you caught the virus but it could have been from anywhere or anyone..one of your parents, relatives, friends you shared a drink with, during a close contact sport, shared towel etc.

80% of the adult population has the virus so if you're in a room with 40 others then 32 of them are infected.



Transmission of Cold Sores

When a noninfected person has direct skin-to-skin or mucous membrane contact with someone who has an active cold sore, transmission generally occurs. Touching an item that has come into contact with a cold sore is another way to spread to the virus. Kissing a person with an active cold sore is the most common means of transmission.

How Are Cold Sores Spread?

Cold sores (also known as fever blisters or known medically as herpes labialis) are caused by a highly contagious virus known as the herpes simplex virus (see Cold Sore Causes). This virus is spread through direct skin-to-skin or mucous membrane contact when a cold sore is present.

It may also be spread through contact with an item that has come in contact with a cold sore. There are actually two types: herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2).

There are many common ways through which cold sore transmission can occur. The most common way is through kissing a person with an active cold sore. Other common ways that cold sores are spread include:

Sharing utensils, drinks, napkins, towels, toothbrushes, or any other objects that have touched a cold sore

Touching the cold sore and then touching the skin of another person
Performing oral sex on a person with active genital herpes (the herpes simplex virus that causes genital herpes can also cause cold sores).

Cold sores can be transmitted at any time that cold sore symptoms are present. This means that transmission can occur from the first tingle until the cold sore is completely healed.

28-07-2016, 11:05 PM
if innocent why are u here? in this forum?


29-07-2016, 04:50 AM
So it seems like it is really easy to get HSV type 1?

Even when we share drinks at a pub with friends?

Most catch Herpes type 1 during childhood from parents or relatives.

20% to 30% of children are already infected by the age of 5 after having caught the virus from parents or other caregivers.

By the time you're old enough to share drinks with friends at the pub chances are you're already infected.



Most adults are infected with HSV and carry latent viruses, but the serotype, severity of symptoms, and mode of transmission vary with age. Children are infected primarily with orolabial HSV1 by 5 years of age, with infection rates of 33% in populations that are of lower socioeconomic status and 20% in those who have improved socioeconomic status.

By adulthood, HSV1 affects 70% to 80% in the lower socioeconomic population and 40% to 60% in the higher socioeconomic population. (1) Globally, the prevalence of HSV1 increases consistently with age, reaching 40% by age 15 years and increasing to 60% to 90% in older adults. (2) In the United States, the prevalence of HSV1 increases consistently with age, from 26.3% in 6- to 7-year-old children and 36.1% in 12- to 13-year-old children to 90% among those older than 70 years. (2)(3)

31-07-2016, 01:30 AM
Can it really be that almost everyone around us is infected with HSV 1?

Most catch Herpes type 1 during childhood from parents or relatives.

20% to 30% of children are already infected by the age of 5 after having caught the virus from parents or other caregivers.

By the time you're old enough to share drinks with friends at the pub chances are you're already infected.



Most adults are infected with HSV and carry latent viruses, but the serotype, severity of symptoms, and mode of transmission vary with age. Children are infected primarily with orolabial HSV1 by 5 years of age, with infection rates of 33% in populations that are of lower socioeconomic status and 20% in those who have improved socioeconomic status.

By adulthood, HSV1 affects 70% to 80% in the lower socioeconomic population and 40% to 60% in the higher socioeconomic population. (1) Globally, the prevalence of HSV1 increases consistently with age, reaching 40% by age 15 years and increasing to 60% to 90% in older adults. (2) In the United States, the prevalence of HSV1 increases consistently with age, from 26.3% in 6- to 7-year-old children and 36.1% in 12- to 13-year-old children to 90% among those older than 70 years. (2)(3)

31-07-2016, 02:32 AM
Can it really be that almost everyone around us is infected with HSV 1?

On the average 8 out of 10 adults are infected with HSV 1.

However only a small proportion actually have outbreaks. The rest won't even know that they are infected unless they get tested.

Humans carry all sorts of viruses, bacteria and fungi in their bodies. There is not a single living human in this world that is free of foreign organisms.

However the vast majority of us co exist with the bugs that live within and in many instances the relationship with these organisms is symbiotic which means they are actually necessary for our overall well being.

It is only when the immune system is compromised in some way or the delicate balance between the various organisms is disturbed (eg from a dose of strong antibiotics) do the infections become a problem. A good example of this is thrush. Women often end up with thrush after taking antibiotics for some other infection.

This is because the antibiotics kills good bacteria as well as the bad and this allows the yeast infection which causes thrush to take hold.

Good bacteria is essential to our well being. That is why it is never a good idea to take antibiotics unnecessarily.

To sum up being infected with HSV1 is a normal. It is those that are not infected that are the exception.