View Full Version : Cynthia Bunnay [Non-local]

18-07-2016, 08:27 AM

http://www.youngleak.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/20-yoYNwT3.jpghttps://igcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t51.2885-15/e35/13671835_1076952912396173_622515704_n.jpg?ig_cache _key=MTI5NTA3MjQ4Mzg5NjA0NTIzMg%3D%3D.2

The internet, as usual, loves a good scandal. Most Valuable Gaming (MVG) is a professional eSports team that sponsors some of the biggest names in the Super Smash Bros. series such as Mew2King, Ryo, and Sol. As a budding organization in the eSports scene, MVG conducts itself professionally and takes steps to protect its players and image.

Recently, MVG has been under attack because of a possible scandal with an employee. MVG has released an official statement on Reddit regarding the rumors that exploded overnight regarding their relationship with Cynthia Bunnay, whom the organization parted with as of July 28th.

Bunnay has been let go as a result of privacy breaches, false employment promises, poor work performance, and general misconduct. Through a series of text messages, emails, Tweets, and Facebook posts, a scandalous drama erupted among the Smash Bros. community.

But, as a result of public and private reveals, drew a reaction across the gaming community. Money fraud, relationship manipulation, and borderline illegal practices are at the forefront of the allegations. According to Jason “Mew2King” Zimmerman, a professional Smash Bros. player sponsored by MVG, Bunnay was hired as a result of their relationship.

How it all started..
Zimmerman and Bunnay met at a Florida tournament and later became friends over social media. Zimmerman admitted to wanting to pursue a romantic relationship and after learning that she went to college for event management, thought he could “kill 2 birds with one stone” by convincing his boss, Gregg Mondesir, to hire her.

According to MVG, he was far off base on her abilities to help the organization: In Zimmerman’s long statement, he describes fraud and relationship confusion regarding Cynthia: Zimmerman reports that she repeatedly asked for pictures of them together and requested retweets, while simultaneously not being clear on their relationship status.


https://mega.nz/#!H0YikIiS!DH8tgAx0CugBkhcNQcpWQ5xwGiLdpKrEjDIk1hf IjDg

