View Full Version : To avoid ghost in hotel - 10 ways

ah rat
18-10-2006, 12:39 PM
http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/377a36f9b6.jpg (http://www.uploadfile.info)
http://www.uploadfile.info/uploads/4a7600400e.jpg (http://www.uploadfile.info)

18-10-2006, 01:44 PM
Can any bros here help with simple english translation for us non chinese readers please??

Kamsia veri veri much. cheers

18-10-2006, 02:01 PM
More ppl in the room also might help a bit. Our "qi" will be stronger lor. Recently went to hotel, i thought got "good brother" when my niece come to me out of a sudden as she claim the light went off just like that. In the end, I found out that I been playing with the switches next to the bed, haha! :D

18-10-2006, 02:23 PM
Can any bros here help with simple english translation for us non chinese readers please??
1. 进房间之前,不理房间有没有人,最好先按门铃,或者敲一敲门。

2. 第一次开门时,最好侧身入门。用意是如果房内有不干净,可以先给它出去,

3. 准备一对拖鞋一正一反放在门口,据说这么做,外面进来的不干净会跟住拖鞋走出去。

4. 在床头放一小撮盐及一杯水,据说可以辟邪。

5. 厕所在没用之前,最好冲一次马桶,这样做可以除去之前留下的不干净。

6. 不要动房里面本圣经,尤其是看到圣经翻开的话,都不要将它盖上。

7. 尽量避免穿着黑,红色的衣服,多穿黄色的衣服,据说可以辟邪。

8. 晚上睡觉时,一定要关厕所的门,以及尽量不好开厕所的灯。

9. 睡觉时不好对住大镜,因为镜会招阴。〔就是阴气〕


u wanna try diy wif ze powderful alta-vista babel fish tlanslator? ;)

18-10-2006, 02:25 PM
Can any bros here help with simple english translation for us non chinese readers please??

Kamsia veri veri much. cheers

1) before entry knock or ring the bell say "Sorry to disturb"

2) entry side ways so that in case there is anything unclean, it can leave without knocking into you.

3) Prepare a pair of shoes or slippers and place them opposite each other at the door so that unclean things from outside will follow the footwear out.

4) Place a cup of water at the head of the bed to ward off evil.

5) Before you use the toliet flush first to get rid of any unclean stuff that is lingering from the earlier occupant.

6) If there is a bible in the room or/and it is flipped opened leave it as it is.

7) Avoid wearing black and red. Wear more yellow to ward of evil.

8) When sleeping keep the toilet door closed and do not switch on the light

9) Do not sleep facing a big mirror because it attraches negative energy

10) When sleeping at night do not put your shoes neatly best if arranged opposite each other. Additionally do not place it facing the bed. Kicking them all over the room is also okay.

(So do I get anything for my effort? :D )

18-10-2006, 02:28 PM
after reading dis, me curious, did a google ... n found a bit more ... juz 4 sharing ...

另外,经常出差或者去外地旅行住旅馆,一些要记得一些避忌方法。因为如果不注意,极有可能会被“鬼”盯上… …

    到旅馆入住的时候,开房门之前有门铃要先按门铃,没有门铃就敲个三下,然后进去之前要先侧个身,表示对“ 鬼”的尊重。

   进入旅馆房间之后要把所有的灯,包括台灯、厕所……等等全部都打开,然后到厕所去冲马桶表示把污秽都冲掉, 接着要开橱柜,然后把被子掀起把枕头拍一拍,这些动作都是表示告知“鬼”请他走开的意思。

   睡觉的时候最好开个小灯可以避邪气,也会带给自己有安全感,另外鞋子不要整齐的摆在床边,传说如果摆的很整 齐的话晚上“鬼”会穿着走,因此鞋子最好摆乱或者一正一反。

   在陌生的环境最好不要太铁齿或者口出秽言,在有些旅馆中会摆放圣经或者佛经等等,不要因为宗教不同就做出不 礼貌的举动。否则……
   去旅行住酒店,不少人都说尾房不宜住。这的确有根有据,皆因尾房通常日照不足,有欠阳气,而灵体最喜欢流连 此类阴暗之地,所以如果住酒店被分配尾房,不妨换房。

   至于酒店房间的门牌号码也需留意,在风水学上,“二”及“五”均属灵性的数字,故酒店房间尾数不宜有“二” 或“五”,不然容易引起灵怪注意,时运低者便可能和“它们”撞个正着。

忘了一点,到一个新的地方先看看消防通道在哪,还有放个手电在枕边,我们保安保卫处的老师给我讲的,不是防 鬼,是防火!第一个就不用解释了,手电是因为着火一般会停电,夜里起火,漆黑一偏,唯一有光的地方是火场… …人是有趋光性的,一害怕就下意识的往火里跑,所以,有个手电很有必要,可以照路啊,万一被鬼压,也可以反 击一下嘛……(不是广告)手电绝对是居家旅行的必备。

18-10-2006, 02:30 PM
8) When sleeping keep the toilet door open and do not switch on the light (I think)

The toilet door must be closed, not open... :D

Anyway, the DMA mentioned in the papers, I stay there everytime i go thai...

So far so good for me though! heng ah....

18-10-2006, 02:39 PM
The toilet door must be closed, not open... :D

Anyway, the DMA mentioned in the papers, I stay there everytime i go thai...

So far so good for me though! heng ah....

Just amended. Not used to reading tradditional script. Thanks! Otherwise wait accidentally sabo people not nice. Supernatural stuff cannot play play.

18-10-2006, 02:41 PM
More ppl in the room also might help a bit. Our "qi" will be stronger lor... True, more ppl will more QI will frighten the spirits.

Heard about this before via emails, but too bad, I have since deleted it. Hope that this is useful.

It is about how you can avoid GHOSTs in the hotels (translated to my best of knowledge as above cantonese version).

1. Before you enter the room for the very first time, do ring the doorbell or knock on the door, and it would be good to say “Excuse me, I’m here to stay” or “Sorry for the disturbance”. It is better if you can say that in the native language of the country you are visiting.
2. After which, do enter the room via sideway for the very first entry. That’s to allow the spirits to leave (you would not want to knock onto IT head on).
3. Prepare a pair of slippers (one up and one down) at the doorway. This would allow the spirits to leave with the slippers.
4. On the bedside table, it is good to place a small amount of Salt and a Glass of water, which can chase away the spirits.
5. Wash the toilet bowl before you use it for the very first time. That is to be ‘CLEAN”.
6. Do not touch the bible (in regardless if it is left open to a certain page, or fully closed) in the room.
7. Avoid wearing Black or Red clothes. Yellow is much preferred as it is believed that this color will chase the spirits away.
8. Close the toilet door when you sleep in the night. The Chinese passage above said it is better to OFF the light, which I think it maybe a printed error. I remembered clearly (from the old email) that you should try leaving some dim lights on for the light, and the toilet light is much preferred, and do not close the door fully.
9. Try not to face the mirror while you sleep. This is true even in house fengshui, which is no good for your own spiritual. But sometimes, there’s no choice in Hotel Rooms as it is being designed as this way. So, I would personally think you should get an extra bedsheet or blanket to cover up the dressing table mirror if it faces your bed directly.
10. During bedtime, get your shoes or slippers (one facing up and another down), and do not place them near to your bed. The room should not be too neat. Make a little mess will help.
11. This is additional from myself, which I can remember. Sometimes, the room you check in which is a twin bed, do place something (maybe your luggage) onto that extra bed. Keep it occupy so that spirit will not have a chance to sleep beside you.

Cheers and happy travelling........HCP

18-10-2006, 03:03 PM
Thanks to both bro cmdr_appo and humcheepang for translating and expanding on this.

Will up u guys with my one humble point. [one after the other] Thanks again!!

18-10-2006, 03:21 PM
Bro ah rat, interesting info. you got here for all to know :)

18-10-2006, 03:25 PM
I have stayed in hundreds of different rooms for my past 3 yrs of regular traveling. Sometime I do feel uneasy sleeping alone in the room. I either get a ger for overnight or nowsadays I always put my Thai amulet on the side table. :cool: I have been sleeping peacefully ever since.

18-10-2006, 03:26 PM
8. Close the toilet door when you sleep in the night. The Chinese passage above said it is better to OFF the light, which I think it maybe a printed error. I remembered clearly (from the old email) that you should try leaving some dim lights on for the light, and the toilet light is much preferred, and do not close the door fully.

I usually on the toilet light and leave a small gap open. I do that even until today.

Had very bad experience many yrs ago. As usual i off every lights except the toilet light and leave the toilet door open a bit. Suddenly woke up during midnite, non-stop cold sweat. The weird thing is my both lights of table lamp were on and my my toilet light was off.

18-10-2006, 03:31 PM
Does this applies to all type of ghost, chinese, Malay, Indian, western?? :D Joking only....

I think bible only apply to western ghost. But interestingly enough majority of the stuff is chinese except for that one.

Kum sia to all for the points. :D

18-10-2006, 03:33 PM
I think bible only apply to western ghost. But interestingly enough majority of the stuff is chinese.

Hehehhe u r fast, I deleted this sentence.

18-10-2006, 03:46 PM
I have stayed in hundreds of different rooms for my past 3 yrs of regular traveling. Sometime I do feel uneasy sleeping alone in the room. I either get a ger for overnight or nowsadays I always put my Thai amulet on the side table. :cool: I have been sleeping peacefully ever since.

Wah this is something new??? u got sleep alone one meh?? N oso get one gal enough meh?? :D

ah rat
18-10-2006, 04:55 PM
Don't share again

Ghost Protection In Hotels

For all of u who love travelling.

OK, here's some believes of the hoteliers:
Every single hotel, there shall be at least a permanent room which
be left vacant at all times. No matter how full the hotel is, they are
not to sell that room(s) to any guest. It was said that special room was
"reserved" for those "special visitors".

So, if you plan to stay in some hotel, always book in advance. Try to
avoid walk in. If the receptionist told you there's no more room
available, do not insist
one anymore or try to bribe them to give you a room. If you do that,
of the time the room you have will be that "special room".

Sometimes those "special visitors" might go to other rooms also, so
here's some tips on how to protect yourself:
- Before entering your room, always knock on the door first, even if you
know the room is vacant.
- After you enter the room, if you felt very cold suddenly and have
"chicken spore", leave the room quietly immediately and go to reception
to request to
change room. Most of the time the receptionist will understand what's
- After you enter the room, immediately switch on all of the lights, and
open the curtain to let the sun light in.
- Before you go to bed, arrange your shoes so that one of them is upside
down. Some say this is representing yin & yang to protect you while
- Always leave at least a lamp on while you're sleeping, preferably the
toilet's lamp.
- If you're staying alone and they have give you a twin bed, do not
with the other bed vacant, try to put your things like luggage on the
other bed before you sleep

Another tip to protect yourself....

When you enter your hotel room, look for the Bible. Most hotel place the
Bible inside a drawer. However, if upon entering, you see the Bible on
the table,
DON'T STAY IN THAT ROOM! It means "special visitors" are there.

If you see the Bible opened up on the table, LEAVE THAT ROOM IMMEDIATELY
and request a change of room!!! It means the "special visitor" is really
trouble in that room!!

And here's some tips on protecting yourself in the cinema...
Do not attend the first screening of any movies in the cinema. By the
first screening, I mean the first time the movie is shown in that
particular cinema. Reason? The first screening is meant for the "special

However, if you insist on going, then sit somewhere in the middle. The
first and last rows are reserved for "them" !!! Be warned.... :D

18-10-2006, 11:37 PM
some interesting pointers listed here... things to add:
some of my friends who travel, carry with them a small recorder player that plays back buddhist sutra chants over and over and leave it on in the room while they go out. This is suppose to help in warding off 'brothers'

also, if Qi is supposedly able to ward off 'brothers', then shouldn't we be practising QiGong? ;)

19-10-2006, 12:03 AM
the more I read, the more scared I am. When I went hotel alone, I alwasy close all the lights. Never think about these things and very heng never seen these things...

19-10-2006, 12:07 AM
there is also a saying that do not keep the hotel room too neat and tidy.
maybe throw some of clothes about and messed the place up a little to tell " occupents " before you that u are staying in the temporary only.

19-10-2006, 12:24 PM
Hm... Never see footwears outside hotel room before :p
I will knock the door everytime i going in, not just the 1st time (kiasu & kiasi).
I will never sleep alone also. More people means more "yangqi" and so may help abit to ward off. Unless so suay that both of us is having "negative qi" (unlucky).
As for the toilet, quite confusing now. 1 bro said on the light and 1 say off the light. For me, i will on the light and adjust the brightness by opening or closing the toilet door. I will never sleep in complete darkness.
When choosing hotel, it must be bright externally & internally. The corridor and the room must be bright with the lights on, and not looks dark and eerie.

19-10-2006, 01:29 PM
intestering thread!!...

19-10-2006, 07:16 PM
we always feel scared when going to a new enviroment,thats natural,just follow a few tips as mentioned above will do,the knocking of the door,flushing the toilet,leaving the tolilet lights on and closing the toilet door closed when sleeping,maybe leave the doorlight on,together with some soft music gurantee to sleep like a baby.

19-10-2006, 07:21 PM
as for the cinema sittings a bro mentioned earlier,quite true leh because when i am buying tickets days back,the last row on the cinema's staff pc screen shows occupied,i thought to myself wah weekday also so packed ah,only to find out theres only 6 people including myself watching,btw the last row is empty...

19-10-2006, 07:34 PM
Recently kenna one at malaysia hotel, check in room find the room got very damp smell, like never been occupied for long time. Ask them come and spray air freshner, one time come two staffs together. One stand outside and the other one come in, spray then quickly goes off. Find something fishy but my friend say nevermind. no choice go buy six pack of beer finish them then go sleep. In the end, my friend keep waking up saying cannot sleep. The next day, my friend also say the room something wrong, at night keep on feeling got cold wind blowing at him, so quickly check out and never want to stay in that hotel again.:eek:

19-10-2006, 07:36 PM
intestering thread!!...


yes, very interesting...

On top of what is mention by othe Bros earlier, I also try to do the below when check in hotel:

1) knock on door when enter 1st time & say excuse me.

2) switch on all lights & TV (create some sound)

3) Open the curtain to let sunlight in ( I leave it open even when I go out in the afternoon) & if window can open, open its for 5min to let in fresh hot air ( for health too in case the person staying there b4 u might have flu / fever) while I do the below

4) Flush toilet bowl & open the water tap for the bathtub/ shower room & sink to let water flow for few second. Take a cup of water & put it down the round hole on the floor ( where the water on the toilet floor drain off - usually on the floor beside the toilet bowl)

5) Open & check the drawer/ wardrobe (in case got someone hid there) to 'air' them for a while

6) Boil some hot water ( chinese saying "wind rise water up")

7) For slipper, I will turn 1 of it over. For shoes, I just leave it with my smelly sort inside ( think no 'one' want to wear my smelly shose )

8) When sleeping, leave the toilet light on & open the door a bit to have some light. If I sleep alone, I will leave 1 of the light in the room on too.

9) If we ( grp of frens) got a few rooms in same hotel, we will visit each other room after check in after the above done, to create some 'ren qi'

Also, I try to aviod the last room at the corner & if possible, avoid room near / next to the electricity room / control box ( heard electric create negitive energy that attract 'them').

Also, my fren told me to place something ( e.g.shopping bag, towel, bag) on all the chairs too so 'they' cant sit there (& watch u sleep).

Also, if possible, I will try to visit famous temple (or any temple near the hotel) on 1st day.

As for wear yellow, enter side ward, mess up the blanket & pillow, its new to me, maybe can try next time.

Any Bros with diff/ interesting method, pls share.


19-10-2006, 07:49 PM
Recently kenna one at malaysia hotel, check in room find the room got very damp smell, like never been occupied for long time. Ask them come and spray air freshner, one time come two staffs together. One stand outside and the other one come in, spray then quickly goes off. Find something fishy but my friend say nevermind. no choice go buy six pack of beer finish them then go sleep. In the end, my friend keep waking up saying cannot sleep. The next day, my friend also say the room something wrong, at night keep on feeling got cold wind blowing at him, so quickly check out and never want to stay in that hotel again.:eek:


scary ...

my fren kana once too.

I was sleeping & suddenly he start scolding / f-ing to the air in the mid of nite.

I ask what happen & he tell me nothing & ask me go to sleep ( I thot he have nitemare)

Next day breakfast then he tell me that he keep feeling got 'someone' blowing air at his face last nite & he cant sleep.

He got so tulan tha he turn scare into anger & f that 'thing'

He told me after he f the 'thing', its did not disturb him anymore.

Lucky, we r checking out that morning...

angie II
19-10-2006, 08:33 PM
I always put my Thai amulet on the side table. :cool: I have been sleeping peacefully ever since.

brudderr.. got genuine thai amulet to recommend me? :rolleyes:

19-10-2006, 09:15 PM
I travel alone frequently as well and do practice some of the items mentioned earlier (being kiasee like me, better to follow :D ).

Just to add on, I like to place my Passport with the crest facing upwards next to me when I sleep. As I heard before that Singapore crest are being "blessed" by the top 5 religions, thus contain "ling qi".

Also for safety reason, in case of emergency, the most important document IMHO is the passport which identifies myself in foreign land.

19-10-2006, 10:25 PM
4) Flush toilet bowl & open the water tap for the bathtub/ shower room & sink to let water flow for few second. Take a cup of water & put it down the round hole on the floor ( where the water on the toilet floor drain off - usually on the floor beside the toilet bowl)
Any Bros with diff/ interesting method, pls share.


brudder, very curious to know why need to put a cup of water on top of the
drainage cover? is it to prevent 'something' from crawling out?? :confused:

19-10-2006, 10:44 PM
mmmm...i work in the hospitality industry for 13years...some of my thoughts as below,

Smack the myth!

Not all hotels reserve their last room for "special guest"..infact they will try and sell off till it overbooked.

Bible & Buddism book are use as room amenities, as most guests do not bring along their bible during their travel.

Corner rooms are great as they are away from the crowds/noise.:D

If u feel uncomfortable in the room or u wish to seek an upgrade - simply...COMPLAINT to the Duty Manager or General Manager and chances are you may be pampered as a VIP through out your stay...

19-10-2006, 10:55 PM
Got ghost tell me where I go and caught can sell for money

19-10-2006, 10:59 PM

2) switch on all lights & TV (create some sound)

Any Bros with diff/ interesting method, pls share.


Best if you switch it to MTV channel or news stations or even radio channels with light music.

Just in case, the normal tv channel might be showing some spooky shows in the middle of night.

20-10-2006, 01:31 AM
very interesting thread. :)

20-10-2006, 08:42 AM
Each of us got our own believing. If believe such things does exist, then just follow the method. If don't believe, just treat it as a joke lor.. Cheers :p

20-10-2006, 10:57 AM
brudderr.. got genuine thai amulet to recommend me? :rolleyes:

Errrrr u can go Thailand n visit the temple there..... if u have fate with the amulet, the monk gives it to u free. (In buddism, giving out these, will benefit oneself.) Then u just have to donate some money to the temple or buy some veg food n drink to the monk.

The other way, u can visit some shops in Thailand that selling amulet, u can buy it, bring it a temple n ask a monk to "invite the blessing".

I never believe in buying so called genuine blessed amulet from anyone. There are alot of "believer" who can spend hundreds just to buy a special amulet by this n that guy n they think they are given special blessing, full of craps if u believe in buddism...

I never spend a single cent in getting my amulet. It was given to me during 1 of the Songkran when I was in Thailand. :D

20-10-2006, 11:07 AM
Smack the myth!

I support u on this :D

20-10-2006, 11:47 AM
And here's some tips on protecting yourself in the cinema...
Do not attend the first screening of any movies in the cinema. By the
first screening, I mean the first time the movie is shown in that
particular cinema. Reason? The first screening is meant for the "special

However, if you insist on going, then sit somewhere in the middle. The
first and last rows are reserved for "them" !!! Be warned....
dis 1 hor ... would sitting @ ze aisle seats make a betta choice? ... so dat, in case anything, can quickly run ... if sit in ze middle, 'surrounded' man! ... lidat, how 2 run? :p

20-10-2006, 12:03 PM
some interesting pointers listed here... things to add:
some of my friends who travel, carry with them a small recorder player that plays back buddhist sutra chants over and over and leave it on in the room while they go out. This is suppose to help in warding off 'brothers'

also, if Qi is supposedly able to ward off 'brothers', then shouldn't we be practising QiGong? ;)

If any bros choose to play chants, make sure the chants u use is the right one(for example, Jin Gang Jin). Do note some chants used will infact attracts spirits.

20-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Hm... Never see footwears outside hotel room before :p
I will knock the door everytime i going in, not just the 1st time (kiasu & kiasi).
I will never sleep alone also. More people means more "yangqi" and so may help abit to ward off. Unless so suay that both of us is having "negative qi" (unlucky).
As for the toilet, quite confusing now. 1 bro said on the light and 1 say off the light. For me, i will on the light and adjust the brightness by opening or closing the toilet door. I will never sleep in complete darkness.
When choosing hotel, it must be bright externally & internally. The corridor and the room must be bright with the lights on, and not looks dark and eerie.

Actually heard from some source that its better not to do things such as Door Knocks, Place slipper upside down, place water and all that. the reason is becos by doing that, the spirits know that you 'know the rules' and those 'bad spirits' will try to be funny with you....

No matter what religion u are, juz have faith and lead a 'clean life'. The spirits will stay far away...

20-10-2006, 12:23 PM
Hmmm ...say abt tis topic i think i got some bad encounter before also..

was bathing in hotel. Den i always bathe with quite hot or warm water that mirror will turned misted.

Den the mirror like not totally misted like some part in middle seems like writing words. den i hack care cos maybe didn't mist tat part..but second time i bathe.. i go toilet.. see no words at mirror first.. den i bathe..den see same thing again..

anyone know wat happened?

Den once i at hotel, the light like suddenly turned a bit dim... den normal again...
tis maybe bulb fault la.. but still 1 person in the room feel quite scary.

wonder ani bro have same encounter as mi anot.

20-10-2006, 12:38 PM
mmmm...i work in the hospitality industry for 13years...some of my thoughts as below,

Smack the myth!

Not all hotels reserve their last room for "special guest"..infact they will try and sell off till it overbooked.

Bible & Buddism book are use as room amenities, as most guests do not bring along their bible during their travel.

Corner rooms are great as they are away from the crowds/noise.:D

If u feel uncomfortable in the room or u wish to seek an upgrade - simply...COMPLAINT to the Duty Manager or General Manager and chances are you may be pampered as a VIP through out your stay...

Does the hotel perform any rites or seal the room if got guest died in the room before. Think its quiet scary if guest were to kena a room that got ppl die before, especially alone..

20-10-2006, 05:37 PM
brudder, very curious to know why need to put a cup of water on top of the
drainage cover? is it to prevent 'something' from crawling out?? :confused:


sorry, I mean put some water into the drainage to 'wash' away any 'thing' hiding there.

Also good for health as the room maybe long time no body stay & got virus on the water left there or cockroach/ ants there .


20-10-2006, 07:23 PM
thanks humpcheepang for providing the transition...

20-10-2006, 09:21 PM
when i was in my teens, my sis & her ex-bf(not yet bf tat time) bought me to KL for hoilday. I rem tat we book a family suit at one of the hotel( dun rem the name). I slept at the queen size, they each slept at single bed.
Being curious when i juz arrived to a new place, i opened every cupboard or so to check if there is anything special to c. THen there was this lamp table, inside got a bible. I took out the bible & turn pages to c. Then throw it back in.
when its bedtime while slping half-way, SOME hairy legs( something like a spider drop onto my FACE!!! my reaction was, i quickli shoved off using my hands. I look ard to c wat the hell was tat. Nothing was found, i look at my both my sis n her ex. Both sound aslp, i thought i must be dreamin or something. i continue back to my slp, juz when i was about to enter my dreamland, THE hairy thing touch my face AGAIN!
Shoved again, look ard, but still nothing!!!
i scare the shit out, i closed my eyes n keep praying till i fall alsp.
FROM then, i will nv check into any hotels with bible.
A lot of ppl say hotel will provide bible.
So far, those 5 star hotels i have been to, i had not seen any.

20-10-2006, 10:06 PM
I never believe in buying so called genuine blessed amulet from anyone. There are alot of "believer" who can spend hundreds just to buy a special amulet by this n that guy n they think they are given special blessing, full of craps if u believe in buddism...

if u r a true buddhist to the core, u won believe there are this kind of special blessing in the first place. but then again if it makes u feel better then just do it lol. a lot of things we do everyday is actually boliao and stupid.

just like some ppl feel tat by donating money they are doing good deed hence feel better. actually is all in the mind.

20-10-2006, 10:11 PM
6) Boil some hot water ( chinese saying "wind rise water up")

wa. ur room can boil water some more!:eek:

20-10-2006, 10:13 PM
there is also a saying that do not keep the hotel room too neat and tidy.
maybe throw some of clothes about and messed the place up a little to tell " occupents " before you that u are staying in the temporary only.

hahaha. like tat u must put do not clean my room on ur door so the cleaner will not tidy ur room in the morning.:D

20-10-2006, 10:53 PM
wa. ur room can boil water some more!:eek:


I mean those small electrical kettle in the room...

Anyway, this is more of my habit to boil water for 1st round to really clean the kettle b4 using it to boil drinking water...


21-10-2006, 02:27 AM
FROM then, i will nv check into any hotels with bible.
A lot of ppl say hotel will provide bible.
So far, those 5 star hotels i have been to, i had not seen any.

Most chain of hotels under the Marriott brand will provided a bible in each room. The bible can be found inside the side drawer near your bed. And also it depends on which country you're in too. If you're in China or Eastern country, Marriott will provide a Chinese version and if you're in a Western country, it will be in English.


21-10-2006, 02:43 AM
This is a very interesting thread. I have been to many countries and stayed in many hotels (mostly Western/Eastern hotels, 4 stars and above) before, I never have any strange encounter before. And I always switch off all the lights and sounds before I go to sleep because I cannot sleep with the lights and sounds on. I'm a very light sleeper.

After reading this thread, maybe I should do all these things. Better to be on the safe side than sorry... lolz


21-10-2006, 04:32 AM
this is mine
once my company sent to HK
since major convention in town, main island like the then rennsiance and grand hyatt booked, even the ones directly across the harbour like sheraton booked, peninsula was way 2 ex but probably booked as well
as LL kena go to North Point in HK island abt 20-30mins away from Convention centre, hotel was called somethingGrand Plaza North Point.
went in, kena corner room furtherest away some more, thot was strange to get long corridor left corner turn with one room and i got it
now for some rest i thot, open window but kena neon lights bright and busy sian already, usual routine i looked ard room for anything "funny" found chinese bible
but the strangest thing i found (at least i found it strange> was a fish bowl with a gold fish! i thot so cool hotel that gives guests a part time pet!!!!
it even had a card that said "HI my name is oscar the gold fish, and I am here to keep u company"

so nothing eventful for the nite, switched on TV amd went to sleep. Sorry ah guys , all boring so far rite, the fun part is the next day!!!!!

I woke up to leave for convention , walked out the hotel! and turned left found!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The freaking hotel was next to the HK version of the Casket Company!!! And my room??? Later found out my room........... it is directly next to the casket building!!!! and the gold fish i found out from the staff was placed there by advice of the fengsui master to told the hotel owners to place the fish bowl with gold fish in every room of every floor next to the casket company, this is so if anything dirty or bad happened!!! the Gold fish kena first!!!!!

got so angry with my company demanded that they switch me to the Grand hyatt or anywhere else!!!!!!! so i left later that day ! hahhahahaha now can laff lah but then totlaly freaked me out hahhahaha

on recent trip back found casket company in HK still there but hotel change to something else already hahhaha

that's my contribution lah
hope u guys emjoy the laffs!!!!

21-10-2006, 04:53 AM
Hi Ah Rat,

Nice of u to start this thread, there are some ppl who travel n met funny things, but do know how to ask for Help.
Can I share something with all our bros, When sleeping in the hotel room use your IC with the country crest facing up, sleep on it

Thanks for your time

21-10-2006, 08:22 AM
My wife and I had a very bad experince in these hotel.

This year sept, we were having our 4d3n stay in genting.

As we don't fancy gamble, we spent most of our time on theme park.

Our last night in genting, we go from one indoor rides to another rides. And we have one our last roller coaster rides before it's close for the night.

It's around 12 midnight. And about 80% of the seats were full.

So around 12.30am, we were already inside our room.

When i step into the bathroom, i can feel that something wasn't right. Somehow i got the feeling that someone was present inside the bathroom others than my wife and i.

Just one look, i can see the corners and surrounding of the bathroom as it's sqaure and small. The only thing that caught my attention was that curtain that seperate the basin and washing area.

Straight away, i pull it and there wasn't anyone hiding there.....

I push the curtain to one corner and we started our bath.

My wife was very quiet throughout the bathing time...normally we will have fun while we bath togehter but no tonight......
Maybe she was too tired after having so much fun in the theme park for whole day.

We dry our hair after the bath, when i want to turn off the light and turn in for a good sleep, My wife stopped me.

I told her the room was lock and there were only two of us, it's very safe.

The answer my wife gave to me is "It's better to be safe than sorry"

I tot that was a strange comments.....but i just too tired, within few minutes, i was knock out.

Next day, when we were in the hotel main lobby really for check out.

My wife told me what she had saw inside the bathroom yesterday night. Which really shock me.....

She told me that, when she was squatting down in the bathroom washing herself, she notice there was some object sticking out underneath the curtain.

When she take a closer look, it's a pair of foot and it's grey color! She take a few glare and it's still there.

She was so scare that she dare not to mention it to me.

As she believed that "these thing" want to hide away from us, so it's best for her to pretend to see nothing....

What worried her the most is that once she mention it to me, " these thing" will realised that my wife had know it present in the room. And will come and disturb her throughout the night.

Luckily nothing happen throughout the night.. :)

We are planning for a trip to genting around mid nov. again. And we will bring along our child. As there are many theme park rides for the kids...

Well we had chosen a better class hotel these time round....so it should be ok...i hope.

Any of u encounter ghost when u have your stay in genting?

21-10-2006, 08:28 AM

I mean those small electrical kettle in the room...

Anyway, this is more of my habit to boil water for 1st round to really clean the kettle b4 using it to boil drinking water...


they got kettle in room?:confused: seriously i don know leh. maybe because everytime i stay in 3 star hotel tat's y they never provide.:o

21-10-2006, 08:33 AM
...... place the fish bowl with gold fish in every room of every floor next to the casket company, this is so if anything dirty or bad happened!!! the Gold fish kena first!!!!!

got so angry with my company demanded that they switch me to the Grand hyatt or anywhere else!!!!!!! .

ya lor. if me i also angry. how can they treat the goldfish this way?let the goldfish kena for nothing:mad: :D

21-10-2006, 08:42 AM
...... place the fish bowl with gold fish in every room of every floor next to the casket company, this is so if anything dirty or bad happened!!! the Gold fish kena first!!!!!

got so angry with my company demanded that they switch me to the Grand hyatt or anywhere else!!!!!!! .

ya lor. if me i also angry. how can they treat the goldfish this way?let the goldfish kena for nothing:mad: :D

21-10-2006, 09:39 AM
Does the hotel perform any rites or seal the room if got guest died in the room before. Think its quiet scary if guest were to kena a room that got ppl die before, especially alone..

yes, esp Hotel properties in Asia countries, rites will be performed discreetly. To have the room place out of inventory is not possible, unless....

was bathing in hotel. Den i always bathe with quite hot or warm water that mirror will turned misted.
Den the mirror like not totally misted like some part in middle seems like writing words. den i hack care cos maybe didn't mist tat part..but second time i bathe.. i go toilet.. see no words at mirror first.. den i bathe..den see same thing again.. anyone know wat happened?[QUOTE)

:D The wordings on the mirror is likely to be written by the ex-guest...
Try this:
Take a hot shower, write some wordings with your finger on the bathrm mirror.
The 2nd time u take a hot shower, u will see the wordings back on the mirror...unless you wipe it off with a towel. Try this to scare your frds...."I know what u did last summer"... :D

21-10-2006, 10:15 AM
was bathing in hotel. Den i always bathe with quite hot or warm water that mirror will turned misted.

Den the mirror like not totally misted like some part in middle seems like writing words. den i hack care cos maybe didn't mist tat part..but second time i bathe.. i go toilet.. see no words at mirror first.. den i bathe..den see same thing again..

anyone know wat happened?...
lemme guess ...

u kena voyeur! ...

ze mirror was in fact a glass ... sum fella was ogling u fr ze other side of ze 'mirror' :eek: ... as when u bathed, ze mirror bcame covered wif condensed water vapor, ze fella @ ze other side of ze glass could nt c u ... so hv 2 clear ze glass a bit fr his side ... :p

ghost frighten man, got medicine 2 cure ... man frighten man, got no medicine 2 cure ...

21-10-2006, 11:06 AM
... while slping half-way, SOME hairy legs( something like a spider drop onto my FACE!!! my reaction was, i quickli shoved off using my hands. I look ard to c wat the hell was tat. Nothing was found ...

i continue back to my slp, juz when i was about to enter my dreamland, THE hairy thing touch my face AGAIN! Shoved again, look ard, but still nothing!!!


A lot of ppl say hotel will provide bible.
So far, those 5 star hotels i have been to, i had not seen any.

hmmm ... juz wondering aloud ...

those things dat u do nt c, do they exist? ... or is it dat they r actually there, but juz dat u did nt manage 2 c them? :p :D

21-10-2006, 11:12 AM
Can I share something with all our bros, When sleeping in the hotel room use your IC with the country crest facing up, sleep on it

brader, dun quite understand leh, can explain a bit more?

u mean, place ze ic where? ... on ze pillow or on ze bed? ...n den, u rest on top of it?

21-10-2006, 11:25 AM
... Just one look, i can see the corners and surrounding of the bathroom as it's sqaure and small. The only thing that caught my attention was that curtain that seperate the basin and washing area.

Straight away, i pull it and there wasn't anyone hiding there.....

I push the curtain to one corner and we started our bath.


She told me that, when she was squatting down in the bathroom washing herself, she notice there was some object sticking out underneath the curtain.

When she take a closer look, it's a pair of foot and it's grey color! She take a few glare and it's still there.
sounds like sumthing fr ze movie 'the psycho' man! :p

brader, curious leh ...

u said u pulled ze curtains 2 1 corner wat ... when u did dat, wat happened 2 ze 'pair of ft'?

21-10-2006, 04:25 PM
sounds like sumthing fr ze movie 'the psycho' man! :p

brader, curious leh ...

u said u pulled ze curtains 2 1 corner wat ... when u did dat, wat happened 2 ze 'pair of ft'?

It's up to u guys to believe it or not....:)

Well about the curtain, i pull it behind we start bathing to make sure nobody hiding there.....

And i did ask my wife the same question, was the foot still lying there in the morning, my wife answer is no.

21-10-2006, 06:11 PM
they got kettle in room?:confused: seriously i don know leh. maybe because everytime i stay in 3 star hotel tat's y they never provide.:o

Bro, even in hotel81 they also provide kettle for u to make instant noodle and hot drinks lei.

21-10-2006, 06:37 PM
As she believed that "these thing" want to hide away from us, so it's best for her to pretend to see nothing....

What worried her the most is that once she mention it to me, " these thing" will realised that my wife had know it present in the room. And will come and disturb her throughout the night.

Luckily nothing happen throughout the night.. :)

We are planning for a trip to genting around mid nov. again. And we will bring along our child. As there are many theme park rides for the kids...

Any of u encounter ghost when u have your stay in genting?

What your wife did was correct. It is better to ignore the spirit than to chase it away. The other thing is, kid are better at detecting spirit. So if you are bring to kid to the room and she cry or feel scare, pls change the room immediately.

That is why when it comes to buying houses/flats, best to bring your children along. If they don't like it, don't ask. The answer is too oblvious.

Believe it or not, it is TRUE. :eek:

21-10-2006, 11:11 PM
Hmmm... Whenever i am staying over a hotel for a few days i usually bring along a bible and my Guan Yin Ma card (those golden ones u can get from temple type??)... but i'm not a Christian wor... Then bring just in case... but, my friends always laugh about it... They were like saying cuz this two religion crash, so skali if really met 'anything', those things i carry along also useless...:confused: :o

22-10-2006, 02:05 AM
I always travel alone to Thailand. Once i was stayin in Asia Hotel, as it was the 1st time i went bbk so went Asia hotel as my frds recommend it..when i reach my room floor..i found it quite eerie but as i was tired n hungry..din think much n juz go back to my rm..the 3 nites i was there..it really feel eerie and i left the lights on when i sleep..normally i will switch off the lights or else i cant sleep

the scariest thing on the last nite.ordered rm service to the rm at nite..after eating at abt 1am..open the door to put the plates out..when i step into corridor..i saw a fog at the other end of the corridor..tot tat the hotel mgmt might be foggin the corridor so din think much of it..but come to think of it..y wld the hotel fog the corridor at 1am at nite


22-10-2006, 03:24 AM
It's up to u guys to believe it or not....:)

Well about the curtain, i pull it behind we start bathing to make sure nobody hiding there.....

And i did ask my wife the same question, was the foot still lying there in the morning, my wife answer is no.

1st world hotel????? This hotel really got problem..

22-10-2006, 04:06 AM
1st world hotel????? This hotel really got problem..

I rem staying there alone by miself for 2 nites...nuthing realli except i found a dead bird after cuming back form the casino as i left one window slight open...only dissapoint is failure to find any FL.

Heard someone got murdered in the hotel b4.

22-10-2006, 11:27 AM
I rem staying there alone by miself for 2 nites...nuthing realli except i found a dead bird after cuming back form the casino as i left one window slight open...only dissapoint is failure to find any FL.

Heard someone got murdered in the hotel b4.

wah,u go alone never jio,,,,:D

22-10-2006, 11:41 AM
corridor..i saw a fog at the other end of the corridor..tot tat the hotel mgmt might be foggin the corridor so din think much of it..but come to think of it..y wld the hotel fog the corridor at 1am at nite


U saw a frog at other end of corridor is ok... I and my gal one whole morning and afternnon never really notice that a bat was inside the room all these while, behind the curtain. :eek: At night it started to flap then we know. Called the bell boy up and ask him to throw it out....

22-10-2006, 11:44 AM
U saw a frog at other end of corridor is ok... I and my gal one whole morning and afternnon never really notice that a bat was inside the room all these while, behind the curtain. :eek: At night it started to flap then we know. Called the bell boy up and ask him to throw it out....

Actually, is 'fog' or 'frog' ???:confused:

23-10-2006, 03:11 AM
My wife and I had a very bad experince in these hotel.

This year sept, we were having our 4d3n stay in genting.

As we don't fancy gamble, we spent most of our time on theme park.

Our last night in genting, we go from one indoor rides to another rides. And we have one our last roller coaster rides before it's close for the night.

It's around 12 midnight. And about 80% of the seats were full.

So around 12.30am, we were already inside our room.

When i step into the bathroom, i can feel that something wasn't right. Somehow i got the feeling that someone was present inside the bathroom others than my wife and i.

Just one look, i can see the corners and surrounding of the bathroom as it's sqaure and small. The only thing that caught my attention was that curtain that seperate the basin and washing area.

Straight away, i pull it and there wasn't anyone hiding there.....

I push the curtain to one corner and we started our bath.

My wife was very quiet throughout the bathing time...normally we will have fun while we bath togehter but no tonight......
Maybe she was too tired after having so much fun in the theme park for whole day.

We dry our hair after the bath, when i want to turn off the light and turn in for a good sleep, My wife stopped me.

I told her the room was lock and there were only two of us, it's very safe.

The answer my wife gave to me is "It's better to be safe than sorry"

I tot that was a strange comments.....but i just too tired, within few minutes, i was knock out.

Next day, when we were in the hotel main lobby really for check out.

My wife told me what she had saw inside the bathroom yesterday night. Which really shock me.....

She told me that, when she was squatting down in the bathroom washing herself, she notice there was some object sticking out underneath the curtain.

When she take a closer look, it's a pair of foot and it's grey color! She take a few glare and it's still there.

She was so scare that she dare not to mention it to me.

As she believed that "these thing" want to hide away from us, so it's best for her to pretend to see nothing....

What worried her the most is that once she mention it to me, " these thing" will realised that my wife had know it present in the room. And will come and disturb her throughout the night.

Luckily nothing happen throughout the night.. :)

We are planning for a trip to genting around mid nov. again. And we will bring along our child. As there are many theme park rides for the kids...

Well we had chosen a better class hotel these time round....so it should be ok...i hope.

Any of u encounter ghost when u have your stay in genting?
I believe in bro Viewsonic story. It happened to me and some of of my friends. I used to work in Genting during the early 90s, the hostel that i stay is in a hotel basement. The hotel will only operate on weekend and PH. During the weekdays after midnite, you will hear someone dragging table or chair. As we have stay there for a period of times, we just ignored it. Until 1 evening, me & my roommate (all guys) about 5 or 6 of us went for a midnite show. Its started at 12 & end around 2 plus so we went to staff canteen to have a quick bite. Then we proceed back to sleep. I don't why that nite i can't really sleep. At about 4plus as most of roommate fast asleep, i heard a female crying inside the room. I still remember it's sound like a pitiful cry. It's really freak me out. I cover myself with blanket from head to toe and lying there motionless. The next day i told my roommate and they thought i was joking. Two days later, my friend who is staying opposite my room told me that he also heard a female crying along the corridor around 4 plus in the morning.
After 2 or 3 days later, my shift start at 10pm, usually i will prepared myself to go to work around 8 plus. I was alone that time so i took a bath, change to my uniform and comb my hair. As i just finished combing my hair, suddenly the bath room door open by itself. Without any delay i quickly run out from my room. After i finished my shift at 6am i don't dare to go back. I sit in the canteen wait for the sky to turn bright.

azumi kawashima
23-10-2006, 09:15 AM
wah lau eh! i tot of spending my time overnite with gf nex month tim. dunno wether its the new hotel or those apartments safer from 'these' things.

23-10-2006, 10:40 AM
My wife and I had a very bad experince in these hotel.

This year sept, we were having our 4d3n stay in genting.

..........................Well we had chosen a better class hotel these time round....so it should be ok...i hope.

Any of u encounter ghost when u have your stay in genting?

Hi Bro,

Me too experience some funny things while staying at the First World Hotel. My room was just facing the coaster ride at the theme park. In the middle of the night at about 2:50 am. (I remember cos i look at my watch). Heard many prople laughing, talking (in cantonese) & screaming over at the coaster ride area & also noise coming out of the ride (those friction on the track). I got up and look out of the window but was total darkness implying that the theme park was closed. So bo chap & got back to sleep. The next morning check with my in-law sleeping at the next room & they also say they heard it.


23-10-2006, 01:07 PM
The wordings on the mirror is likely to be written by the ex-guest...Try this: Take a hot shower, write some wordings with your finger on the bathrm mirror.
The 2nd time u take a hot shower, u will see the wordings back on the mirror...unless you wipe it off with a towel. Try this to scare your frds...."I know what u did last summer"...

Bro, i wouldn't do that if i were you.. heard something abt mirrors from fm 95.8 many years back when they did a 'talk-ghost' series..

apparently if the mirror is fogged up, don't use your hands to wipe it off cuz the steam (water element) will facilitate the transfer of human qi to the mirror, making it able to reflect / show the other things as well! :eek:

23-10-2006, 01:55 PM
Bro, i wouldn't do that if i were you.. heard something abt mirrors from fm 95.8 many years back when they did a 'talk-ghost' series..

apparently if the mirror is fogged up, don't use your hands to wipe it off cuz the steam (water element) will facilitate the transfer of human qi to the mirror, making it able to reflect / show the other things as well! :eek:

thanks for the info... i had such experience before but lucky i was on the verge of wiping off but i didnt due to my forgotten mind...

23-10-2006, 03:23 PM
.....As i just finished combing my hair, suddenly the bath room door open by itself. Without any delay i quickly run out from my room........

You forgot to say thank you???

Ever have such experience (am still experience at times, but not about hotel).....when I leave home at times, inregardless if it is morning or nite time, I can see that the lift is empty and it stops at the my house floor level. After I lock the door and walk towards the lift, before I can reach for the door open button, the lift door just open by itself??? Hey, it is not just once but already a few times and that's eeerrrie.....It is at idling mode and how would it sense that someone is coming by to board the lift and it just open automatically??? Then later, I met a shi-fu and told him about this, and he said that sometimes there are just some playful 'ones' around, just ignore and take the lift, or maybe enchant mantra in your heart.....

23-10-2006, 03:36 PM
Actually, is 'fog' or 'frog' ???:confused:

haha...saw a fog..not frog...

if i were to say i see a mist...wld pple tot i see a miss (lady) leh :D

23-10-2006, 04:44 PM
You forgot to say thank you???

Ever have such experience (am still experience at times, but not about hotel).....when I leave home at times, inregardless if it is morning or nite time, .....

Bro, let me teach you a bit of English here.
There is no inregardless. BUT you do hear irregardless....
Which is also wrong. It should be Regardless. :D

23-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Bro, let me teach you a bit of English here.
There is no inregardless. BUT you do hear irregardless....
Which is also wrong. It should be Regardless. :D

You got me there! Thank you for pointing out the mistake.


23-10-2006, 11:43 PM
wah lau eh! i tot of spending my time overnite with gf nex month tim. dunno wether its the new hotel or those apartments safer from 'these' things.
Not to worry bro... the hotel that i mentioned is not First World. Before i left Genting, First World hotel are not fully up yet. But that creepy hotel is still in operation. Now the basement is no longer a staff hostel.

Forget about apartment especially Ria, it's damn creepy at night.

23-10-2006, 11:50 PM
You forgot to say thank you???

Ever have such experience (am still experience at times, but not about hotel).....when I leave home at times, inregardless if it is morning or nite time, I can see that the lift is empty and it stops at the my house floor level. After I lock the door and walk towards the lift, before I can reach for the door open button, the lift door just open by itself??? Hey, it is not just once but already a few times and that's eeerrrie.....It is at idling mode and how would it sense that someone is coming by to board the lift and it just open automatically??? Then later, I met a shi-fu and told him about this, and he said that sometimes there are just some playful 'ones' around, just ignore and take the lift, or maybe enchant mantra in your heart.....
It could be some playful ones but my toilet door is old fashion one. U need to latch up. That's the scary part.

24-10-2006, 12:17 AM
I will knock the door everytime i going in, not just the 1st time (kiasu & kiasi).

all very good advises. Salute to all bros who commented. But question, if we knock on door and the door opens? HOW??!!!???:eek:

24-10-2006, 01:32 AM
Avoid those very old hotels. Eg if I go to Genting Highlands, I always go to 1st world which is so much newer. Imagine those pioneer hotels with a very long history - chances are that some of the rooms are haunted. Esp ini Genting where they lost heavily and ended up committing suicide in the hotel rooms. Chances are fewer in newer hotels.

As a Buddhist, I would play " 梵唱大悲咒" translated means "The Great Compassion - Tibetean ver" chant on my hp whilst charging till morning. Of course I put the volume to the lowest so that I could sleep peacefully! So far no incident at all. I can really sleep peacefully without any worry at all.

For Muslims, maybe they can play the Koran on their hp or even the Christians can play mp3 sermons or Christian songs....

Just a suggestion becoz nowadays everything also can convert to mp3 and install on hp lah! I think it is a good defence against the supernatural depending on which faith you belong to and you armed yourself; be on your guard accordingly....

24-10-2006, 04:28 AM
wah,u go alone never jio,,,,:D

Wah liu...go with you sure kana ghost one..Go GL betta la..haha!!

24-10-2006, 06:14 AM
Dear Brothers, thank you all for sharing the posts on true encounters and ways to avoids them. Please allow me to give my two cent worth. I am a Singaporean and am a Buddhist.

Due to the nature of my work, I was always given free hotel stays in Singapore. Four years ago, I was given 5 night stays in a local five star hotel (I apologise for not revealing the name as it might land me in trouble). It was during the Seventh Month according to the Lunar Calendar.

I have the habit of reading before going to sleep. One night, while reading, I fell into sleep. I woke up suddenly, and I saw, in front and at the end of my bed, a girl with short hair, wearing a white robe with red flowers on it. She appeared to be staring in the direction perpendicular to my sight of view. I did not take much attention to it, and after an opeing-and-closing of my eyes to clear my view, she disappeared. I then continued to read my book, and similarly, I fell asleep, and the same thing happened again. It happened three time. During the last time, she was standing next to the bed, but on the other side of the bed where I was lying. She appeared to be looking in the direction away from me. During the three appearences, I could not see her face at all (luckily). It was too much for me to handle, I then quit my bed, turned on all the lights, and TV, and stayed awake until sunlight.

I checked out that morning, although I had two more nights of stay. When the company which paid for my stay asked me why, I told them that I had some family matters to attend do. Since then, I refuse to go to stay in that beautiful and luxurious hotel again.

My acquaintances in this forum know that I spend close to 3/4 of my time out of Singapore, travelling extensively everywhere in the world. My own rules are: 1. Believe in the existenc of spirit, and accord them with proper respect, i.e do not be too big-mouth talking about spirit - Just keep quiet. 2. Keep all the cupboard doors closed. 3. Leave some lights on. 4. Keep the toilet door closed.

Thank you for reading.

My 2 cent worth.

With best regards and best wishes!

24-10-2006, 11:14 AM
My acquaintances in this forum know that I spend close to 3/4 of my time out of Singapore, travelling extensively everywhere in the world. My own rules are: 1. Believe in the existenc of spirit, and accord them with proper respect, i.e do not be too big-mouth talking about spirit - Just keep quiet. 2. Keep all the cupboard doors closed. 3. Leave some lights on. 4. Keep the toilet door closed.

Thank you for reading.

My 2 cent worth.

With best regards and best wishes!

Yo bro, you got me curious there. I have never heard of keeping cupboard and toilet doors closed. Do you happen to know the reasons behind that?


24-10-2006, 11:56 AM
Yo bro, you got me curious there. I have never heard of keeping cupboard and toilet doors closed. Do you happen to know the reasons behind that?


Dear Bro,
One of my relatives had this encounter during his honeymoon trip. He woke up one night and suddenly saw a man, who was all wet sitting at the end of the bed. When he saw him, he rushed into the cupboard where the door was not closed. He was sicked after that. A man from a temple told him that, before the bad luck was gotten rid of, he should not go near "water", i.e. swimming pools, sea side, etc.

As for the toilet door, I do it as I have said because the same thing could have happened as well.

My 2 cent worth.


24-10-2006, 01:44 PM
reminds me of sumthing ... juz 4 sharing ...

last time, got once, me attended a feng-shui talk ...

ze master mentioned dat wen u go 2 ze toilet, always turn on ze toilet lite ... he said dat those 'things' like 2 hide in toilets as toilets r seldomly used places ... 'dey' r unlikely 2 get disturbed there ... so, wen u turn on ze toilet lite, it's a way of telling dem dat u r going 2 use ze toilet ...

juz my 2.1 cts (gst incl.) worth ...

addendum: actually gd practice oso, in case got human hide inside there ... juz like in ze movie 'the psycho' ...

24-10-2006, 04:53 PM
Dear Bro,
One of my relatives had this encounter during his honeymoon trip. He woke up one night and suddenly saw a man, who was all wet sitting at the end of the bed. When he saw him, he rushed into the cupboard where the door was not closed. He was sicked after that. A man from a temple told him that, before the bad luck was gotten rid of, he should not go near "water", i.e. swimming pools, sea side, etc.

As for the toilet door, I do it as I have said because the same thing could have happened as well.

My 2 cent worth.


Hi bro, thanks for the reply. Interesting thought. Did you happen to keep things in the wardrobe then? The wet man could have worn your dry clothes instead! :D

24-10-2006, 08:26 PM
Hi bro, thanks for the reply. Interesting thought. Did you happen to keep things in the wardrobe then? The wet man could have worn your dry clothes instead! :D

Dear Bro,

The encounter that I have written about did not concern me. It happened to a relative of mine. I always keep my clothing in the cupboard, but when I sleep, I make sure that the doors are closed.

I do have minor encounters like strange noise, movements, etc. I just pay no notice of them and continue either reading or sleeping.



24-10-2006, 10:49 PM

25-10-2006, 12:59 AM
Yo bro, you got me curious there. I have never heard of keeping cupboard and toilet doors closed. Do you happen to know the reasons behind that?


No idea about keeping cupboard closed.. going along those lines, i guess maybe cuz cupboards are dark and don't have much activity, so things might be hiding inside them? Or u also dunno what the previous people keep inside their cupboards..

Read abt toilets before, cuz they're places of 'negative' energy (dumping of waste products, pipes connecting to underground drains, damp, dirty, smelly etc etc) so it's easier to attract those things.. and those things will find it easier to enter rooms thru these 'negative energy' portals too (think of all the ghost shows with blood coming outta taps, bathtubs etc).

Home toilets still okay cuz we use everyday, but we can counter (or improve) by painting them with 'positive' colours such as yellow, and keep plants to liven up the atmosphere.. but actual objects, colours and placements need to consult the fengshui master cuz even the positive stuff might clash with ur birthday, or position of house etc to make the situation even worse!

So think keeping the hotel toilet door closed will have a greater peace of mind.. until u wake up in the middle of the night to use the toilet! :eek:

25-10-2006, 02:45 AM
Cupboards sure is a place spirit like to hide...I experience it myself at my home. When I fist moved in my place..When i was semi asleep..i saw mi cup board open and a shadow of a human shape drifting out towards the window..Freak me out man!! Another day...lady singing outside mi window at 3am. finally, knocking sound on my wall although the other side is outside of the highrise building

After I did some praying in my room, it never happen..heng ah!! Think they moved out to some other unit liao..hehe

I heard spirits like to hide in place which cannot see sunlight like cinema,enclosed toilet,auditorium, store rm..so next time you go to a hotel open the window and blinds and let the air and sunlight filled the room to get more yang qi.

28-10-2006, 10:03 AM
if u fell uneasy,dl this buddhist chanting,transfer to u hp,and when at nite or feel uneasy,open this chanting sound maybe make u feel better


28-10-2006, 04:41 PM
dont choose the wrong ones!some buddhists chants can actually attracts spirits instead of the other way round.

28-10-2006, 06:23 PM
waaa.. scary...

28-10-2006, 06:24 PM
wow.. scary... :eek:

28-10-2006, 06:25 PM
wow.. scary... hope it will not attract if i ply it :eek:

19-01-2008, 10:11 AM
The easiest way to get rid of a ghost is to simply ask it to leave. Use a firm voice and tell the ghost exactly what you want and why. You might say something like this: "This is my house and it bothers me when you are around all the time. Would you please leave?" Remember, the physical world is your domain and ghosts rarely have any power in the physical world

19-01-2008, 01:21 PM
You might say something like this: "This is my house and it bothers me when you are around all the time. Would you please leave?"

What if the ghost doesn't understand English. How would you establish what language the ghost speaks so that you can get a translator?

19-01-2008, 03:58 PM
What if the ghost doesn't understand English. How would you establish what language the ghost speaks so that you can get a translator?

And what if the ghost is deaf? Is it better to use (1) hand signs or (2) write on a piece of papers? :confused:

NB: For (2) please refer to the above (Bro Sammyboyfor)...LOL :D

20-01-2008, 01:33 AM
And what if the ghost is deaf? Is it better to use (1) hand signs or (2) write on a piece of papers? :confused:

NB: For (2) please refer to the above (Bro Sammyboyfor)...LOL :D

evil spirits and ghosts understands all language, it is universal. what ever things on earth, heaven and hell can know and understand by all evil and holy spirits. There is no such thing as english, chinese, malay or indian language in a 3rd world.

20-01-2008, 02:29 AM
hmm....the chant somehow also makes me kinda nervous leh...makes my mind think about supernatural world......the posts so far has been mild sightings, feel or etc....anyone with stronger reaction? :confused:

20-01-2008, 03:50 AM
hmm....the chant somehow also makes me kinda nervous leh...makes my mind think about supernatural world......the posts so far has been mild sightings, feel or etc....anyone with stronger reaction? :confused:

For some strange reason reading this thread gave me the chills like something was with me. Listening to Youtube video of "da bei zou" helped to make it go away, but not fully. It only went away after i played a track i cut out from a buddhist cd.

It is very odd as i watch all sorts of horror movies and play horror games regularly. Not much can make me scared anymore.

Anyway here's the track, i dont know if it will help, but it's still nice listening.

YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement (http://download.yousendit.com/B7C3D02F098491B5)

Can anyone tell me more about that track? My chinese not good so i dont really understand it

20-01-2008, 03:52 AM
YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement (http://download.yousendit.com/B7C3D02F098491B5)

Just in case. :)

20-01-2008, 11:43 PM
......Can anyone tell me more about that track? My chinese not good so i dont really understand it

Thanks for sharing bro!

This is Guan Yin Xin Jin. Has the same power to remove away the "evil spirit" as the Tai Pei Jou. A better way is to practice the enchanting and keep reciting it. A simple and easy way is to chant "Om Mani Padme Hom" for immediate effect in case of uneasy feeling and or any emergency cases, which of course, needed daily practice too.


21-01-2008, 12:56 AM
Dear bros who had contributed to this thread in a way or another,

I personally being the normally yaya type but when it come to topics regarding the supernatural, I always pay due respect.

Allow me to share my experiences, heard and saw...

I was posted to Temburong during my NS time as a perm staff years back and had experienced the common belief that we humans can't make out words that these 'good bros' saying.

It happened in an evening in 'Holiday Inn' in BSB, bros who ever went there would know its story. I had an accident during training in Temburong and was refered to the hospital in mainland BSB. Seen the doc around noon and was told to return the next morning so my I/C told me to stay overnight in 'Holiday Inn' for convenient sake so no need to travel via bumboat to and fro Temburong. Had heard many stories about the Holiday but didn't really took serious heeding being the yaya tee kee fellow I was.

Checked into Holiday Inn around 4pm without paying homage and stuffs which some bros mentioned earlier. Was dead tired after the whole day waiting in hospital. Had the luxury to pick the rooms from the entire block and had decided on the smaller room meant for the higher ranks. (3men room) Go in straight away everything off left undies and placed mattress on floor, turned on fan and because of the bright environment, I did not turn n the lights. After all these, I drifted to dreamland...

Woke up outta sudden and heard prayers chanting via speakers, checked my watch and it was 7.05pm. Room was dark except for some lights from the lamposts outside. Was thinking whether to get up to turn on the lights but was too lazy to do so, tried urging myself to drift back once more to dreamland...

Suddenly, I heard voices outside the window. Now let me briefly explain the layout of the room. I was lying on the floor under the ceiling fan, door on my right, window was 1metre from my head, double decker bedframe on my left and wall about 2metre from my foot. I could vividly make out 2 voices... mumbling not talking in any languages that I knew of. And the best part is, there is almost no pause in between, ie. voice A mumble something and voice B almost immediately responded, that kind of pace. My eyes were closed and something in my mind told me NOT to open my eyes at that moment. Got panicked and remembered something that someone said before, which I scoffed at... at that moment don't know what else to turn to. Heck it, just test and see how. Began repeating that chant in my heart, can feel my blood drained from my face and broking into cold sweat. Suddenly the voices outside went away. Kept chanting for another good 5mins or so, all the while eyes shut tight. Ya call me chicken for that. Did not dare open my eyes all these while, even after the strange mumbling voices went off. Was deciding whether to get up, ran for my life or stay there for the rest of the night. The chicken in me won the debate and I decided that they might be gone and there is no more cause for alarm.

Willing myself to sleep once again, all these while eyes closed. Never opened them once after I checked the time 7.05pm which I mentioned earlier. Was about to fall asleep then suddenly! The same voices again! Only this time being much hostile and sounded more agitated and louder. Still cannot figure out what they saying but I roughly know they kinda pissed off by my earlier chanting and they are not gonna give me a good night sleep. Once again, repeating the chant in my heart, more fervently this time as though my life depend on the 6words repeat chant while they are still mumbling as equally loud. Then suddenly all is quiet again! I was still chanting in my heart and this time I decided that, if I don't leave now, then I'm farked! While still chanting, I opened my eyes, wore back my clothes, packed my stuffs, opened the door and dashed down the slope towards the perm staff bunk some hundred metres away! All these while did not once look at the window for fear of seeing something that might never be erased from my already shakened memory. Sprinting until I saw lights and saw some familiar faces, one of them called me over. Still perspiring and legs shaking, dunno whether from the running or something else. He knew what happened and asked me:" Just came from the top?" I nodded my head. "Bunk in with me tonight" was all I need to hear and I spent the night over with him and his mates.

By the way, the 6 words are 喃無阿彌陀佛.

21-01-2008, 01:04 AM
Can anyone tell me more about that track? My chinese not good so i dont really understand it

This is Guan Yin Xin Jin.

Correct this is Heart sutra or in Chinese 般若波羅蜜多心經 :)

21-01-2008, 01:09 AM
Allow me to share my experiences, heard and saw...

I have yet to encounter these. Maybe I'm always full of amulets. :D

21-01-2008, 01:11 AM
Once more, sorry if my story bored anyone but all are 100% true.

One more recent incident which occured during the latest Lunar 7th Month. And this time, did not hear voices but instead saw one... stay tuned.

Was tasked by my friend to check on his newly bought flat in Sengkang area during one of the night while he was away oversea for work. Flat was still vacant without any lights. It was about 10pm in the evening, armed with a torchlight, measuring tape and my bunch of keys. Was feeling urgent and went to take a leak at the common WC which is along the passageway leading to the master bedroom which is one of the room that I need to check on. After pee, went straight to the master bedroom which is at the end of the corridor. Open and walk straight in, (again without any of those homage stuffs) and was SHOCK to see this black figure standing inside the master bedroom WC on my left! I swear to GOD that thing is looking back at me and in my state on panic, I dropped the bunch of keys. Bent down to pick up, mind running mad for an answer, who and how he got there. Initially I thought 'it' is some bangla worker but he was nowhere to be seen after I got the keys.

But bobian MUST check the measurement of his house, in my mind was telling 'it' that I am merely here for work and have no intention to disturb. Decided to abandon checking that room and as soon as I stepped out. Hairs started standing on all ends. I decided to call it a day and walked straight to the main door. Did not once look back, I locked the gate while looking at somewhere else and took the lift down to where my car is. On my way home, promptly called my OC to prepare 'xia3 liu3 hio4' at my doorstep. Sprinkled myself before entering my own flat.

21-01-2008, 01:16 AM
glad that you're not quite aquainted to those things... bro naemlo.

dunno whether its my mental or what, just now while typing out the incident, hair on my neck stood again... damn.

21-01-2008, 01:20 AM
dunno whether its my mental or what, just now while typing out the incident, hair on my neck stood again... damn.

Dun have to fear these if u have not committed anything wrong. BTW back to the topic, hotels are 1 of the "dirties" place.

21-01-2008, 01:39 AM
Correct this is Heart sutra or in Chinese 般若波羅蜜多心經 :)

Thanks a lot, i needed the name to find out more about it!

Here's some info for bro's who might like to know more

YouSendIt - Send large files - transfer delivery - FTP Replacement (http://download.yousendit.com/055D8A7C76B905B1) repost again

English-chi words: http://www.fodian.net/English/xinjing.htm

Chinese only: ¯ë­Yªiù»e¦h¤ß¸g (http://www.geocities.com/graciatu/buddha1.htm)

WIki entry: Heart Sutra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_sutra)

21-01-2008, 02:49 AM
Ok this is more of home related.

When i was a small kid, kept wetting my bed after my family moved home. till up till i was 8 or 9. i cant remember much, but my grandma told me tht i kept saying i didn dare to visit the toilet at nite.

my mum was a psychologist (not practicing already) and she did hypno-therathpy (means used hypnosis to aid recall of lost memory which our brain automatically blocks to protect us usually in cases of trauma as a self-defense mechanism, i'm currently a psychology undergrad with an american uni) on me, and she said that i recalled seeing something terrible in the toilet once at night (up till 2day she wun tell me what i saw), and subsequently, would not ever want to go toilet at night (we lived in a masionette, those 2 storey flat... master bedroom have own toilet, me and my sis used a common one...).

so in the end no choice, we moved house to another mansionette in the same block.... then no more problem.....

p.s actually totally forgotten about this.... until i read this thread... and then got damn creepy feeling.... and something in my storeroom just went bang..... and keep hear water splashing from the toilet adjoining the kitchen...... btw... i in the living room beside the damn storeroom and kitchen.... crap... dun even dare go in get some tea...... another 4 more hours to daylight >.<

21-01-2008, 02:58 AM
I travel alone frequently as well and do practice some of the items mentioned earlier (being kiasee like me, better to follow :D ).

Just to add on, I like to place my Passport with the crest facing upwards next to me when I sleep. As I heard before that Singapore crest are being "blessed" by the top 5 religions, thus contain "ling qi".

Also for safety reason, in case of emergency, the most important document IMHO is the passport which identifies myself in foreign land.hehehe that will remind me to bring my NS beret go when travelling next time......ppple say the SAF crest also very power :D

21-01-2008, 02:59 AM
Dun have to fear these if u have not committed anything wrong. BTW back to the topic, hotels are 1 of the "dirties" place.

Also hospitals, old army barracks, crossroad junctions......

21-01-2008, 07:44 AM
Correct this is Heart sutra or in Chinese 般若波羅蜜多心經 :)

Correct Bro! This is a more precise title/description. Thanks...:)

21-01-2008, 09:45 AM
Only you can discuss non sex issue, only you are allowed to discuss non sex issues.

hehehe that will remind me to bring my NS beret go when travelling next time......ppple say the SAF crest also very power

first hole
21-01-2008, 04:01 PM
I have never personally experience such thinbgs and I am an atheist so no problem for me. If there is no white, black also doesnt exist ..

21-01-2008, 04:06 PM
thanks to all bros for the contributions at this thread. really useful as sometimes when i slp alone at hotel, i will on the tv whole night as i'm those abit kia see type! ;)

21-01-2008, 04:13 PM
Bro you must be very light sleeper .. maybe try to get sleeping pill then you dont have time to imagaine such things.

23-01-2008, 04:12 PM
I've had some experiences before too. Freaked me out.
But on hindsight, they did not harm or disturb me, so why should i be afraid of them?

When a place is unoccupied for an extended period of time, that place will lack yang qi and therefore, spirits who have no where to go will settle there.

They tend to go for cold, damp, dark places because these are the places which are the most yin.
They also stick near the walls because the walls are cool and there is some moisture in the walls. Besides that, it is also a way they use to prevent themselves from being bumped into by humans. (nobody will actually walk with the backs sticking on the walls rite?)

Spirits, in reality will 'stay' in anything and everything.
Abandoned statues/ figurines of deities (that's why it's a good idea to bring those to the temple if you wan to change a new figurine, instead of leaving it under a tree which is a common sight everywhere.), Sculptures/ statues that are outside commercial buildings (shall not say where in case i get into trouble), Trees, old abandoned houses, etc.. Everywhere.

My mum has a friend who owns a hotel in JB and one of the rooms was haunted by a mother and son 'team'. Her friend brought in a medium and forced the spirits out into a tree near the hotel.
However, this is a temporary thing and not a permanent one because if a person who is down on his luck happens to walk pass that tree and into the hotel, the spirits will follow.

If you do encounter any spirits anywhere, try to ignore them unless they are causing harm and damage.
When that happens, try to get a good medium to help you 'chao du' the spirits instead of chasing them somewhere else.

By the way, Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou attracts spirits. They like to listen to it so that their Karma can be lessened and they can reincarnate faster.

Proof that they like to listen to it?
Whenever I go and pay respects to my ancestors, I always chant the 2 sutras to help them be rid of their bad karma in the hope that they will not suffer so much and may be reincarnated soon.

You know how we chinese always 'bua buey', once to check if they are there, and once to check if they have finished eating so that we can pack up and go home?

Normally I will start chanting after they have arrived.
They will not start eating untill you have finished chanting.
If you have just finished chanting and a member of the family tries to buah buey to see if they have finished, chances are the answer will be negative no matter how many times you try to buah buey, regardless of how many family member tries their hand.
In situations like this, just leave it as it is and wait for another 10/20 mins before trying and you should be able to get it.

Don't believe me?
Try it for yourself.

23-01-2008, 10:07 PM
Dun have to fear these if u have not committed anything wrong. BTW back to the topic, hotels are 1 of the "dirties" place.

True but still no sense going to look for trouble. But new hotels (motels not included) without any history are usually okay. It's those old ones that we should be careful of. ;)

23-01-2008, 10:55 PM
Thamls fpr all the info :)

23-01-2008, 11:34 PM
.....By the way, Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou attracts spirits. They like to listen to it so that their Karma can be lessened and they can reincarnate faster.......They will not start eating untill you have finished chanting.......Don't believe me?
Try it for yourself.

Good sharing bro. Didn't know that Da Bei Zhou & Wang Shen Zhou attracts spirits. Once attended an aunt's wake, my shifu told me to chant Wang Shen Zhou to the dead in my heart (as my aunt is a christian). He said that this will help the dead, and will reflects on my good deed. He also said that Om Mani Padme Hom does have the same effect (recite one round = 108).

While you chanting to ancestors, do you chant it out loud or just do it quietly without family members noticing it? Can we play the proper songs in CD instead?

24-01-2008, 12:50 AM
[QUOTE=humpcheepang;2542325]Good sharing bro. Didn't know that Da Bei Zhou & Wang Shen Zhou attracts spirits. [QUOTE]

So is there anything we can play/chant to keep ourselves safe?
Playing the heart sutra on the hp speaker, what effect will it have?

24-01-2008, 03:33 AM
While you chanting to ancestors, do you chant it out loud or just do it quietly without family members noticing it? Can we play the proper songs in CD instead?
I'll chant it in my heart but if the place is too noisy I'll chant it out loud to prevent myself from distractions.
Well, the reason why it's always better to chant personally is because of the 'heart'.
We held both a Taoist rite and a Buddhist rite for my Granny but I chanted anyway (108 times daily for 49 days and a strict vegetarian diet). It's best if the direct descendants chanted with faith instead of engaging people to come chant for you or just simply playing it out of a cd.

So is there anything we can play/chant to keep ourselves safe?
Playing the heart sutra on the hp speaker, what effect will it have?
The best chants to so called ward off spirits would be 'na mo o mi tuo fo' and 'om mane padme om'.

They were created short and simple for very practical reasons.
If you're scared out of your wits, would you be able to recall lengthy chants such as the heart sutra or da bei zhou? I don't think so.

Sutras were created originally for people to recite, study and 'gain enlightenment'. They are supposed to have a calming and meditative effect.
I think playing any forms of sutras on a player of any form are mainly to set your mind at ease. (Personal opinion)

i r a
24-01-2008, 10:59 AM
Haha, any bros here really experience ghost in hotel when going bonking ...

24-01-2008, 12:34 PM
I think the best way is to avoid going to that hotel ... or if know the exact room, then tell recept you dont want that room lor ... bcos you never know how to counteract such things, those you see in movies, I am very sceptical whether they can actually work

24-01-2008, 02:51 PM
Sutras were created originally for people to recite, study and 'gain enlightenment'.

Sutra is for ppl to recite, understand n remember the teaching.

24-01-2008, 03:19 PM
There was once I checked into this Oriental Hotel in Penang. It was quite an old hotel. The first night I was there, at first everything was alright. I bought some supper up and eat. Then shower and watch tv. Then when I wanted to sleep, I went to turn off the TV. Immediately I felt very cold, so cold until I was shivering. I also though something might be there liao, but I ignore it and called my girlfriend to chitchat. Wrap myself with the blanket.
Lucky nothing happen to me for the next two days.

24-01-2008, 04:24 PM
Sutra is for ppl to recite, understand n remember the teaching.

Thanks Bro naemlo for the correction.

24-01-2008, 04:39 PM
Thanks Bro naemlo for the correction.

We are sharing... :D

Ahh Fatt
24-01-2008, 05:28 PM
They tend to go for cold, damp, dark places because these are the places which are the most yin.
They also stick near the walls because the walls are cool and there is some moisture in the walls. Besides that, it is also a way they use to prevent themselves from being bumped into by humans. (nobody will actually walk with the backs sticking on the walls rite?)

By the way, Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou attracts spirits. They like to listen to it so that their Karma can be lessened and they can reincarnate faster.

This is very true.

I had a very good friend who like to chant the sutra and this has attracted a lot of spirits near his home. Moreover, his unit is at the end of the block and near the staircase as well. Most of the spirits hang out there....When he start chanting, they will gather a listen.

It is TRUE, that by listerning, it will lighten their Karma. And, he knowing it, din want to stop as he says he is helping them. It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

24-01-2008, 05:50 PM
It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

U should bring me there... I go n communicate with them. :rolleyes:

24-01-2008, 05:51 PM
Understand that Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou is to lighten their Karma but no sure they like to listen. If this is the case, then why those Fong Sui does recommend to play those music at home??

24-01-2008, 06:21 PM
This is very interesting; spirits being attracted to damp, cold places, and also gathering where the sutra is chanted. Im very interested in learning more about this. Are you guys actually able to communicate with the spirits? How are you able to tell that they gather there, and what kind of places the spirit prefer?

Hope you dont mind sharing this. I am very seriously asking by the way - please dont think I am mocking you or anything!!!:o

sushi prince
24-01-2008, 07:09 PM
I had a very good friend who like to chant the sutra and this has attracted a lot of spirits near his home. ....When he start chanting, they will gather a listen.

It is TRUE, that by listerning, it will lighten their Karma. And, he knowing it, din want to stop as he says he is helping them. It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

I've heard of this too, chanting of sutra helps them remove some of their sins so they can re-carnate faster.

24-01-2008, 07:13 PM
thanks for the infos

24-01-2008, 08:26 PM
Understand that Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou is to lighten their Karma but no sure they like to listen. If this is the case, then why those Fong Sui does recommend to play those music at home??

Feng Shui? Good heavens! :eek: I only know that some feng shui prescribe wind chimms. :confused:

24-01-2008, 09:14 PM
Read quite a few postings n some are quite interesting n misleading.

Let me take some time to prepare this posting. Interested party takes your time to read up. No interest pls ignore this post. Thanks. Any discussion on my posting is welcome.

If u r into buddhism,

Karma, "It is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate."

Sorry to say, no one can assist another person to gain better karma.

Benefits in Reciting and Holding The Great Compassion Mantra,

"People and gods who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra will obtain fifteen kinds of good birth and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad death."

So I don't find any benefit of spirit n dead person in listening to this mantra.

There are a lot of misunderstanding in this world. Most of them are supertitious. Understand Dharma is more important. ;)

25-01-2008, 02:35 AM
Meaning and benefits of chanting Great Compassion Sutra (Da Bei Zhou) (http://web.singnet.com.sg/~alankhoo/Avalokitesvara.htm)

Karma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma)

Comprehensive site on Buddhism with downloadable eBooks and stuff (http://www.buddhanet.net/)

With regards to Bro naemlo's disapproval of chanting to lighten the karma of our loved ones, why then do we hire monks and priests to chant for them at the wake, and on various other occasions like their death anniversaries and if I did not remember wrongly, the 49th day and the 100th day of their death?
Why do we also spend so much money to secure a place for them at those temples where they have people performing rites and chanting on a regular basis for their salvation?

From what I've been taught, if you want to chant for the salvation of those who have passed on, you need to chant the following before you start chanting:

na mo a mi tuo fo X 3
na mo da yan di zang wang pu sa x 3
hui xiang wang shen zhou/ (whatever sutra you want to chant) gei (Name of intended recipient)

After chanting the number of times that you want to chant (normally 49/ 108/ until you feel that it's enough), finish with the above incantations.

I think the whole idea of the 'hui xiang' thing is kind of like when we burn joss paper, we indicate on the joss paper who it's for.

Most of all, I think it doesn't matter if anybody calls this superstition or whatsoever, at the end of the day, you don't lose anything and it's also from your heart.

No harm trying.

P.s: Bro naemlo, I'm not trying to challenge your knowledge but am just puzzled and would appreciate it most if you can provide some insight on this topic.

25-01-2008, 02:38 AM
Understand that Da Bei Zhou and Wang Shen Zhou is to lighten their Karma but no sure they like to listen. If this is the case, then why those Fong Sui does recommend to play those music at home??

Ever gone to a wake when they are holding chanting services for the deceased?
Pay attention to what sutras they are chanting.

Sutras are good, they cultivate the mind and give peace of mind.

25-01-2008, 02:52 AM
This is very true.

I had a very good friend who like to chant the sutra and this has attracted a lot of spirits near his home. Moreover, his unit is at the end of the block and near the staircase as well. Most of the spirits hang out there....When he start chanting, they will gather a listen.

It is TRUE, that by listerning, it will lighten their Karma. And, he knowing it, din want to stop as he says he is helping them. It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

Your friend has a very good heart.
By helping them he is also helping himself.

This is very interesting; spirits being attracted to damp, cold places, and also gathering where the sutra is chanted. Spirituality and the paranormal has always been interesting subjects.

On the taoist symbol of yin and yang, the white ( light) represents yang, male and the black (darkness) represent yin, female.

In fengshui there are the five elements called jin(gold), mu(wood), shui(water), huo(fire) and tu(earth).
To my knowledge, water is known as a yin element.
Five elements and their correlating relationships (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_elements_(Chinese_philosophy))

Disclaimer: All information above (with the exception of links extracted from the Internet) is based on my own understanding of the subjects mentioned and are not intended to mislead or contradict anybody. :D

25-01-2008, 03:02 AM
This is very true.

I had a very good friend who like to chant the sutra and this has attracted a lot of spirits near his home. Moreover, his unit is at the end of the block and near the staircase as well. Most of the spirits hang out there....When he start chanting, they will gather a listen.

It is TRUE, that by listerning, it will lighten their Karma. And, he knowing it, din want to stop as he says he is helping them. It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

How did you know that spirits hung out near his place?

25-01-2008, 03:12 AM
Found something on why we chant sutras for the dead.

Sutra recitation can be done to benefit the deceased. We can wish for their merit and virtue. Buddhists usually want Sutras to be recited for deceased family members. Some time ago, I had a Western student who placed great emphasis on seated meditation and practiced all the time. It happened that one of his close friends passed away, and he felt lost. He asked me what to do. I recommended that he recite Sutras as a way of transferring merit to his deceased friend. Now, you may ask, 'Is sitting meditation helpful for others?' It is helpful, but it is not as direct as Sutra recitation.

When a Sutra is recited, the power of Buddhadharma calls back the deceased so that he or she can benefit from listening to the Buddhadharma. If the deceased cannot come back, numerous sentient beings always gather when Sutras are recited, and it is they who benefit from listening to Buddhadharma. Because they benefit, the one who passed away also benefits.

The Brahmajala Sutra says that Bodhisattvas should explain the Mahayana Sutras and Vinaya for the sake of sentient beings whenever someone is seriously ill, and on the day when a family member, spiritual advisor or dharma master passes away. At the time of passing, and for three to seven weeks afterward, the practitioner should have a master expound the Sutras, and should himself recite sutras and make offerings, in order to benefit the deceased."

The complete article. (http://www.westernchanfellowship.org/reading-sutras.html)

25-01-2008, 03:26 AM
This is kinda eye-opening.

Believing is better.

25-01-2008, 09:43 AM
We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate." [/I]

This is very true, whether is at workplace or at home, how we manage Human relationship and how we handle different issues are the roots of what we will be getting back.
If you are happy with what you are having so be it,
If you are not, these are results of your own action, so why wallow in self pity ! :D

sushi prince
25-01-2008, 10:47 AM
To avoid ghost in hotel... 25-01-2008 07:36 AM Off Topic Discussion!!!

Just by posting here also can get unknown ghosts poking at you one :D

sushi prince
25-01-2008, 10:50 AM
Ever gone to a wake when they are holding chanting services for the deceased?

But if I hear sutra chanting when I'm in a hotel, I'll confirm be scared stiff :o Especially if it's in one of those Geylag Budget Hotels. Ha Ha :D

25-01-2008, 01:48 PM
Ever gone to a wake when they are holding chanting services for the deceased?
Pay attention to what sutras they are chanting.

Sutras are good, they cultivate the mind and give peace of mind.

What puzzle is whether they "like to listen" and will the music attract them.

25-01-2008, 02:30 PM
What puzzle is whether they "like to listen" and will the music attract them.

Please refer to this link. (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/2544995-post148.html)

25-01-2008, 02:35 PM
But if I hear sutra chanting when I'm in a hotel, I'll confirm be scared stiff :o Especially if it's in one of those Geylag Budget Hotels. Ha Ha :D

Encountered several encounters in GL budget hotel.
Also encountered in KL hotel too
And Sentosa hotel.

Initially was scared but at the end of the day, I am the one who is intruding in their territory, as long as they don't harm or disturb me, just let them be and pretend not to know.

Sometimes, if they know that you can see/ sense them, they might disturb you further or try to seek your help on certain matters.

Just pretend not to know and everything will be fine.

25-01-2008, 02:59 PM
P.s: Bro naemlo, I'm not trying to challenge your knowledge but am just puzzled and would appreciate it most if you can provide some insight on this topic.

A student was enjoying himself, skipped lectures, slept during lectures. When exam is tmr, he went to his lecturer n begged them for help. His lecturers tried their best to make him understand a year of lessons in 1 day. In the end, the student still fail badly.

Hope u understand the above story.

25-01-2008, 03:07 PM
Back to the topic, 1 of the way to avoid ghost in hotel is open up all the curtains and let the sunlight in.

25-01-2008, 03:23 PM
Okie.. Back to topic.

1) Turn on all the lights and TV even if you are going out
2) As per Bro naemlo, open curtains and let light in
3) Close bathroom door
4) Mess up the other bed if there are 2 beds, place your luggage on the bed.
5) Kick your shoes around so that they are not placed neatly together
6) Sleep with a light on
7) If you have an amulet or one of those small sutra booklet, place it on the bedside table with bedside light on.

Above are from my own experiences.
Not intended to mislead or contradict anybody.

25-01-2008, 08:23 PM
Sorry to say, no one can assist another person to gain better karma.

True. You reap what you sow.

25-01-2008, 08:26 PM
Encountered several encounters in GL budget hotel.
Also encountered in KL hotel too
And Sentosa hotel.

Just wondering whether good or bad to experience several encounter with the unseen? I myself never encounter such though i believe in their existence.

26-01-2008, 12:21 AM
Thanks for all infos given bros :D

26-01-2008, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE=temperance;2546053]Okie.. Back to topic.

1) Turn on all the lights and TV even if you are going outBut once the master key is removed, all power cut ?
2) As per Bro naemlo, open curtains and let light in that is for Day time only ....

3) Close bathroom door Might help
4) Mess up the other bed if there are 2 beds, place your luggage on the bed.Yes, my usual practice
5) Kick your shoes around so that they are not placed neatly together..what if next morning u see all shoes neatly arrange ?:p
6) Sleep with a light onIn fact more frightening, when u open your eyes in the muddle of the night, to see some confused images
7) If you have an amulet or one of those small sutra booklet, place it on the bedside table with bedside light on.most hotel provide with Quran or Bible

My own experience is to get myself very tire than sleep through the night...

26-01-2008, 11:45 AM
1) Turn on all the lights and TV even if you are going outBut once the master key is removed, all power cut ?
You mean you've never used something else as a substitute? Most hotel keycards are the same size as most cards. Simply slot in a member card and viola~

26-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Just wondering whether good or bad to experience several encounter with the unseen? I myself never encounter such though i believe in their existence.
Some people are simply more sensitive...

27-01-2008, 10:26 AM
Ever heard ppl said they came across White or Black apparition. Any difference between the latter and the former? Sifu bros care to enlighten?

There were time I got "pressed" while sleeping in those hotels. I supposed must be those spirits. Never seen them face to face before. Better not cross their path...

27-01-2008, 01:25 PM
You mean you've never used something else as a substitute? Most hotel keycards are the same size as most cards. Simply slot in a member card and viola~

Thank you for the advice....will do so in future :o

27-01-2008, 01:48 PM
Just very curious on this one - How many bros here have actually met or seen dirty things in hotel rooms before?

Personally, I've stayed in many hotels, most of them while abroad. The closest encounter was hearing a high pitch wail and sound of chains along the corridor outside my room. While in most time, I'd be dead tired when I sleep, so I guess little chance of being disturbed in the middle of the night.

By the way, I'm also a believer in afterlife. My grandfather and his father used to be mediums.

27-01-2008, 04:19 PM
Ever heard ppl said they came across White or Black apparition. Any difference between the latter and the former? Sifu bros care to enlighten?

My ang mo not good. Apparition?? The 2 from hell?

There were time I got "pressed" while sleeping in those hotels. I supposed must be those spirits.

It may be due to stress that cos the feeling of "pressing". :D

27-01-2008, 04:21 PM
Just very curious on this one - How many bros here have actually met or seen dirty things in hotel rooms before?

Not me.

The closest encounter was hearing a high pitch wail and sound of chains along the corridor outside my room.

Just dun bother abt it n sleep.

27-01-2008, 05:14 PM
Noted. Was too tired to bother anyway after the wails passed from my door although the sound really jerked me wide awake. Was slightly before dawn when it happened, cos before I fell asleep again I could see light coming in from the curtains.

27-01-2008, 10:09 PM
My ang mo not good. Apparition?? The 2 from hell?

It may be due to stress that cos the feeling of "pressing". :D

I remembered I "dreamt" a black huge figure pressing me. Tried to open eyes but just couldnt. In the end struggled myself and I woke up. Cold sweat man, bro. Dont know whether it was just a dream or really something "black" suppressing me. :confused:

Stressed? How to when a girl was sleeping beside you. :D

27-01-2008, 11:08 PM
Stressed? How to when a girl was sleeping beside you. :D

There has been reports on this stress sleeping in medical science. :D Do always look at the modern science first b4 supernatural. :D

28-01-2008, 01:44 AM
I remembered I "dreamt" a black huge figure pressing me. Tried to open eyes but just couldnt. In the end struggled myself and I woke up. Cold sweat man, bro. Dont know whether it was just a dream or really something "black" suppressing me. :confused:

Might be what a 'special' friend of mine described as a 'fear field'.
I ganna something similar before.
Felt like somebody sleeping behind me when I knew for sure I was alone.
Wanted to turn around but somehow whole body no strength at all.

Also 'seen' quite a few times just that don't know was reality or was it subconscious mind. Every time this kind of things happen is just before i sleep or when i just wake up.

Only once saw something black in the reflection of the mirror when I was wide awake. Freaked my friend out when I told him.

Leave it alone and you'll be fine.

28-01-2008, 07:36 PM
Wah must bookmark this thread...if any point of time you feel horny after reading all the FRs or see preview pix of the FLs, just read this spine-chilling thread that's sure to put your brother to sleep.

I call it instant deerection.

28-01-2008, 10:27 PM
I call it instant deerection.

For me, old leow, after one round of bonking, straight away knockoff. Never know when de or reerection again....till next morning. :(

28-01-2008, 10:35 PM
Do always look at the modern science first b4 supernatural. :D

I concur with you bro. Never always be too unduly superstitious. If science unable to explain, then we may consider supernatural aspects.

28-01-2008, 10:39 PM
Only once saw something black in the reflection of the mirror when I was wide awake. Freaked my friend out when I told him.

Leave it alone and you'll be fine.

Yes, I do experience that too though I dont really encounter "them" in front of me or we see eye to eye. I was a split second affair. Just black... like a shadow...

29-01-2008, 01:34 AM
Yes, I do experience that too though I dont really encounter "them" in front of me or we see eye to eye. I was a split second affair. Just black... like a shadow...

Yeah, I saw that from corner of the eye for a split second too..
It was at a chalet. I was sitting outside smoking and talking to my friend when I saw that through the glass door.

After that those people who have been sleeping inside reported hearing the rustling sound of a plastic bag hung near the door. But nobody has been walking past there at all. (The shoes were placed there though. Maybe trying on the shoes?)

29-01-2008, 11:03 AM
so many bro hear or feel ghost but do some bro here real see or feel god before.

29-01-2008, 01:19 PM
Our reality is perceived by having the brain interpret various signals that come to us via our senses. The brain is such a complex piece of biological mechanism and neuroscience is really still a relatively young science, as such a lot of things can't be explained yet. However the common " Bei Gui Ya" aka being pressed on by a ghost has a scientific explanation and its called sleep paralysis. It usually happens during the switch between conscious and subconscious state. It can be likened to a light switch thats flicked halfway and the light is flickering. You are awake but the body is still stuck in subconscious paralysis mode(our innate biological safeguard to protect ourselves from moving wildly during our dreaming states, people who have this safeguard broken end up dreamwalking). Infra sound of around 8hertz in frequency also has a tendency to cause human beings to have the sensation of irrational fear. Infrasound can be created from industrial fans, earthquakes , elephants. waves or simply wind blowing through holes. Early astronauts also experienced seeing floating globes of light while in space and this was a result of cosmic radiation in space interacting with the rods and cones at the back of the eye. Many things can be explained with science and we should always exhaust all possibilities before attributing it to some supernatural causes. We are constantly bombarded by the vibrations of infrasound and electromagnetic radiation. Sometimes certain resonant frequencies may stimulate parts of the brain in such a way that it seems supernatural. Animals like cats and dogs for example can sense incoming earthquakes via the infrasound waves that emanate for hundreds of miles. Elephants & dolphins talk to each other using infrasound over long distances. Nothing supernatural at all, just nature being her amazing self.

29-01-2008, 01:42 PM
Interesting theory by bro EtherC...

Well its all in the state of mind i guess, sometimes if you watch a horror movie you will feel scared walking along a dark corridor that would've otherwise been ok if you had watched say a romantic comedy instead. And because of that, your brain is on "high alert" and your senses can feel every little sound, movement.

Or like when you horny, an ugly bitch zhaogeng might turn u on... but when u are not, you just wanna turn your head away and run to toliet to puke out the lunch. State of mind...

29-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Have to agree most of the time such supernatural feeling could be explained in scientific term. But what if one really encounter a "being", its presence? Dont forget we have 5 and some may have 6 senses. We may not be able to see "them" but by applying our other senses, we may be able to know, feel or smell their "presence". But then again, to each its own. Not many believe the supernatural cos they have not "seen" one...yet. :D

29-01-2008, 08:15 PM
Alternatively just wait till your luck is at it's lowest and go for a walk at mid-night at a graveyard. Sure to see something. :D

Personally some things are best left along. The realm of the dead is not for the living. :cool:

29-01-2008, 08:18 PM
another good way is hang up your gf under wear at the door entrance:D

29-01-2008, 08:28 PM
another good way is hang up your gf under wear at the door entrance:D

Good one! Must remember next time when bonking not to throw clothes around! :D

Imagine in the heat of excitment throw clothes all over the room, gf's panties lands on the door entrance. Then when making love halfway feel a sudden chill crawling up your spin. You know you got visitors of the spooky kind!

30-01-2008, 09:49 PM
Our reality is perceived by having the brain interpret various signals that come to us via our senses. The brain is such a complex piece of biological mechanism and neuroscience is really still a relatively young science, as such a lot of things can't be explained yet. However the common " Bei Gui Ya" aka being pressed on by a ghost has a scientific explanation and its called sleep paralysis. It usually happens during the switch between conscious and subconscious state. It can be likened to a light switch thats flicked halfway and the light is flickering. You are awake but the body is still stuck in subconscious paralysis mode(our innate biological safeguard to protect ourselves from moving wildly during our dreaming states, people who have this safeguard broken end up dreamwalking). Infra sound of around 8hertz in frequency also has a tendency to cause human beings to have the sensation of irrational fear. Infrasound can be created from industrial fans, earthquakes , elephants. waves or simply wind blowing through holes. Early astronauts also experienced seeing floating globes of light while in space and this was a result of cosmic radiation in space interacting with the rods and cones at the back of the eye. Many things can be explained with science and we should always exhaust all possibilities before attributing it to some supernatural causes. We are constantly bombarded by the vibrations of infrasound and electromagnetic radiation. Sometimes certain resonant frequencies may stimulate parts of the brain in such a way that it seems supernatural. Animals like cats and dogs for example can sense incoming earthquakes via the infrasound waves that emanate for hundreds of miles. Elephants & dolphins talk to each other using infrasound over long distances. Nothing supernatural at all, just nature being her amazing self.

Good posting. :)
Fully explains what I felt as described in my earlier posting.
However, it is also true that there are indeed beings walking amongst us.
What you cannot see, hear, smell or feel does not mean that it does not exist.
Can you see air?
Can you smell air?
But it does exist and we depend on it just to live.

31-01-2008, 05:48 PM
There are many things which are invisible, inaudible and cannot be detected by our olfactory organs. They may be seemingly non-existent but the fact remains that they can be measured accurately & repeatedly thereby establishing their existence. However to this day ghosts have yet to be proven scientifically because of the difficulty in reproducing experimental results on this sort of phenomenon. It is also difficult to isolate all interferences. If it were a court of law all the witness and circumstantial evidence would be enough to reach a verdict but unfortunately in the court of science we need to see a repeated and accurate reproduction of the experimental result in a controlled environment. I keep my mind open and that is what good science is. Belief is based not on results but rather on the acceptance of the idea that it already exists. For example I believe in karma and universal balance.

PS:Air is a bad example because you can feel air when it moves, our body hair moves and this triggers nerves below our skin to tell us the sensation of wind. Air being composed of a multitude of gases can sometimes carry smell eg hydrogen sulphide which is toxic to us and thus gives a horrible rotten egg smell to warn us.

01-02-2008, 03:48 AM
PS:Air is a bad example because you can feel air when it moves, our body hair moves and this triggers nerves below our skin to tell us the sensation of wind. Air being composed of a multitude of gases can sometimes carry smell eg hydrogen sulphide which is toxic to us and thus gives a horrible rotten egg smell to warn us.

To each his own. No point debating on something that cannot be proven scientifically.:D

01-02-2008, 08:31 PM
However to this day ghosts have yet to be proven scientifically because of the difficulty in reproducing experimental results on this sort of phenomenon.

U believe in the 7th mth?

Wat will make u believe ghosts/spirits/genie exist in this world? How about one to one encounter? But your heart must be strong! I am no priest/bomoh but with little knowledge that I possess, I dont mind sharing with u step by step how to invoke the unseen, how to communicate with them, would u then believe? If interested, PM me. :cool:

02-02-2008, 02:54 AM
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Men who think they are in absolute control of natural forces have probably yet to see how powerful and/or malevolent nature can be (look at the damage we did to Earth and soon we will be paying for our folly). I don't try to contest with the forces of nature and manipulate that which I do not know of in depth or claim understanding of. Its like a kid who googled "bomb" on Dad's PC and trying to do make 1. People who think I use science to justify the existence of ALL supernatural phenomenon should reread my posts, because nowhere have I said that I do not think that spirits may exist. What I'm saying is that we should look for a logical and scientific explanation before spooking ourselves silly. I too have seen cases of black & white magic, have had credible people telling me of encounters and experienced some abnormal events myself. However end of the day we can't prove that we have seen a ghost scientifically can we? So what if I see one, I can't download an image of it from my brain can I?And even if I can download an image of a spirit from my brain, how can I be sure its not an illusion caused by some hallucinogen, electromagnetic influence etc. Shamans use incense and herbs to communicate with spirits, how can we be sure its not a combination of hallucinogens, residual memory images from popular culture and the latent human brain capability which generate uncanny predictions/visions?

02-02-2008, 03:48 AM
Has this question been asked?
Why is there a bible in the hotel room?
I have forgotten which hotel or country,
I have checked in, there is a bible in
the dressing table drawer? Not all hotels
have a bible in it.
Is it that the room is not clean then they put a
bible in the room?

02-02-2008, 07:22 AM
There are many things which are invisible, inaudible and cannot be detected by our olfactory organs. They may be seemingly non-existent but the fact remains that they can be measured accurately & repeatedly thereby establishing their existence. However to this day ghosts have yet to be proven scientifically because of the difficulty in reproducing experimental results on this sort of phenomenon. It is also difficult to isolate all interferences. If it were a court of law all the witness and circumstantial evidence would be enough to reach a verdict but unfortunately in the court of science we need to see a repeated and accurate reproduction of the experimental result in a controlled environment. I keep my mind open and that is what good science is. Belief is based not on results but rather on the acceptance of the idea that it already exists. For example I believe in karma and universal balance.

PS:Air is a bad example because you can feel air when it moves, our body hair moves and this triggers nerves below our skin to tell us the sensation of wind. Air being composed of a multitude of gases can sometimes carry smell eg hydrogen sulphide which is toxic to us and thus gives a horrible rotten egg smell to warn us.

look like you are the scientist:D

02-02-2008, 10:18 AM
Has this question been asked?
Why is there a bible in the hotel room?
I have forgotten which hotel or country,
I have checked in, there is a bible in
the dressing table drawer? Not all hotels
have a bible in it.
Is it that the room is not clean then they put a
bible in the room?

Most of the hotels (4 stars and above, not sure about 3 stars) do provide a bible in the hotel room (for the convenience of some guests that need to pray before going to sleep). Unless the bible is found open when you check-in otherwise it is fine.

02-02-2008, 02:37 PM
Shamans use incense and herbs to communicate with spirits, how can we be sure its not a combination of hallucinogens, residual memory images from popular culture and the latent human brain capability which generate uncanny predictions/visions?

Wat if u met someone and he could tell u how much money u got in ur pocket right now? Wat if he could even tell where u were since morning before both of u met? Where did his special senses or attributes come from? Of course all these have to be witnessed by 3rd or more parties in order to convince u that "something" is aiding or assisting or whispering to him. However, dont get me wrong. Of course science play an important role too. But wat I am trying to emphasize is that spirits/genie exists and their population far outweigh the human in numbers. Never underestimate them. Once they are being challenge/provoke, they may even manifest themselves. And believe me its no longer state of imagination or watever medical/scientific term u can come out with. :D

02-02-2008, 03:41 PM
wha. now then i read this thread. stay 50 over hotels last year yet never practice anything mentioned. somemore ran out of room, specially ask hotelier find me a room upon arriving at the hotel of a new country. so i guess like what one of the bro said earlier, i got the 'special room'..

I also encounter bible on table open or bible on table, but usually i dont care (cause i have not read this thread yet!!) and just put the bible back into the drawer.

when you stay in so many hotels, travel so much, you actually get used to it and cannot be bothered about such things already. for my case lah.

my own point of view is simple - Sins are worse than encountering a 'ghost'. real life sufferings are so much for scary. the chinese call it 'karma'.

some people suffer years and not succeeding in life, go back home still have to give one face to the wife and sometimes cannot give the best for the family.

some play too much when they are young, take long years trying to keep their body going and then what? the final stages of HIV made them suffer so much they wish they never been born.

some painfully save up to the first 100K or first million and realize got swindle and conned by some woman. then have to re-save again. this process is hard.

i mean, i have not seen a ghost despite of my travels to date. sometimes definitely i do feel cold and have goose bumps when i'm in the hotel room alone. i would normally juz say aloud ' nowadays things is unexplainable. the dead don't want to recarnate and lead a better life. the living trying to meet ends meet and suffer in living hell ' i would then look around the room and give one sigh and followed by ' even if u're here, u also cannot help my problems. ' den purpose sigh very loud.

usually i dun feel anything after that. but there was once after saying all these, i dropped out something from an envelope. taking up and read. then it ignite some idea for my work problem which i am frustrated over the past few weeks. visualize it got it to work and got my promotion in the end. sometimes after work back in hotel stuck with problem, very frustrated, i would say aloud problems this and that. they definitely never bother me when i sleep.

perhaps my way of handling is ridiculous. but if i ever do see a ghost in a hotel, i would definitely tell 'him/her' how lucky she is, not needing to bother about financial matters, family matters, investment matters, transport matters, children matters and all the sins we have to suffer in a living world.

men sure have worries and problems. we are strong and got bring out our valor. we face problems like how problems should be faced and not roam around aimlessly in cold air and trying to hone their forte in doing what? Scaring people? if they die already and cannot learn forgiveness and move on, then they are one lousy character that needs cultivation. if they are trying to find someone to keep them entertained, must well go to disneyland grab the 2 mice to keep them company. can join in the mickey and friends club too.

i only heard of ghosts scared of humans. now in the 21st century era is the other way round.

03-02-2008, 03:48 AM
I remembered I "dreamt" a black huge figure pressing me. Tried to open eyes but just couldnt. In the end struggled myself and I woke up. Cold sweat man, bro. Dont know whether it was just a dream or really something "black" suppressing me. :confused:

Stressed? How to when a girl was sleeping beside you. :D

I also had such encounter before as i was sleeping in the hotel room alone and i visualise the mantra wheel of certain Buddhist deity and chant in my half alssp state and sudden i was relieved from the heavy sensation;)

03-02-2008, 03:59 AM
Read quite a few postings n some are quite interesting n misleading. There are a lot of misunderstanding in this world. Most of them are supertitious. Understand Dharma is more important. ;)

As mentioned by you understanding Dharma is important and Dharani of Alvalokiteshavra or Kwan Yin was proclaimed in Mahayana Sutras. So aren't it considered Dharma, i disagree that it is not considered Dharma at all. Benefits of the Dharani or the mantras is manifested as explained by Buddha and Bodhisattvas (mostly in Mahayana and Vajrayana Sutras) as it is not a supersitiution. Movever every mantra has their own uses or functions. The 4 main magicial functions are peaceful, increase, magentise or attract and wrathful. Wrathful mantra can be use to ward them off but normally dun use it too much in case to hurt or harm them ;)

03-02-2008, 12:29 PM
I also had such encounter before as i was sleeping in the hotel room alone and i visualise the mantra wheel of certain Buddhist deity and chant in my half alssp state and sudden i was relieved from the heavy sensation;)

I have a friend who happened to have a "3rd eye". He could see apparition. Of course not many ppl believe him. Thats why he rather remain silent on such issues cos if he were to tell us, I doubt we can sleep in peace. But I did press him further to reveal what he had witnessed before. He said at times in our company rest room, he ever came across a creaturelike with cow head and a human body lying on top of my colleague who were sleeping. :eek:

03-02-2008, 01:08 PM
as for the cinema sittings a bro mentioned earlier,quite true leh because when i am buying tickets days back,the last row on the cinema's staff pc screen shows occupied,i thought to myself wah weekday also so packed ah,only to find out theres only 6 people including myself watching,btw the last row is empty...

bro did you happen to watch at cathay? because if you did, cathay always reserve the last row for vip card/complimentary tickets/free list. i know because i am one of them and row A is always reserved for that purpose..just fyi :)

03-02-2008, 01:38 PM
a lil more to add, if the room comes with a table and two chairs, fip the chairs over, if it is a sofa put stuff on it, if 2 beads also put stuff on unused bed and fianlly if its a huge bed and you dont have company for the night also put things next to you, for those super superstitious ones. FYI korea is supposed to have the highest frequency on sightings. enjoy

re: cinema's the last row is reserved for "special guests" so if ure unlucky to get 1st row seats from the screen on premier night, dont think that you're lucky to find that no one is sitting on the last row and shift there, better to believe got than dont have..

re:3rd eye if u want the third eye, i wouldnt recommend this but if u are persistant rub horse urine on your eye/eyes, you will be able to see beings of the other realm, the only thing is that it wears off on certain people and it stays forever in some accordingly, my friend still in tanjung rambutan i dont think he will ever be coming back. Again if u want to do so it is at your own risk..

03-02-2008, 04:13 PM
I have a friend who happened to have a "3rd eye". He could see apparition. Of course not many ppl believe him. Thats why he rather remain silent on such issues cos if he were to tell us, I doubt we can sleep in peace. But I did press him further to reveal what he had witnessed before. He said at times in our company rest room, he ever came across a creaturelike with cow head and a human body lying on top of my colleague who were sleeping. :eek:

Yup, I agree I don think I want to know too much either. More importantly, as long I am not disturbed and at peace....ok leh

03-02-2008, 08:51 PM
I think the best way to avoid these ghost from disturbing is to wear a blessed amulet from reconised spiritual masters for protection. They will think twice before harassing;)

ah rat
04-02-2008, 07:50 AM
I think the best way to avoid these ghost from disturbing is to wear a blessed amulet from reconised spiritual masters for protection. They will think twice before harassing;)

Yup,totally agree :)

04-02-2008, 05:05 PM
Hypnotism can do wonderful things to the mind. Sometimes the tool may be a colorful spinning ornament, a flickering flame, a swinging pendulum or subliminal messages in music. Magicians like David Copperfield and Chris Angel use tricks to deceive our senses. It's like how everyone can make a pencil appear rubbery by waving it fast. The brain can be tricked easily and there are always smart people out there who know how to exploit that. Film wouldn't be possible if our brains weren't susceptible. The good thing about science is that it can differentiate the real stuff from the fake stuff. Eg Turning lead to gold is one of the oldest trick in the alchemist book: basically take some iron and add some carbon so it looks dark like lead then add sulphur heat it in a pot and it becomes fool's gold or iron sulphide. On the other hand the real deal involves a nuclear reactor and a multi million dollar funding. What does this tell us? It says that whatever seemingly impossible may be in reality very plausible.

Wat if u met someone and he could tell u how much money u got in ur pocket right now? Wat if he could even tell where u were since morning before both of u met? Where did his special senses or attributes come from? Of course all these have to be witnessed by 3rd or more parties in order to convince u that "something" is aiding or assisting or whispering to him. However, dont get me wrong. Of course science play an important role too. But wat I am trying to emphasize is that spirits/genie exists and their population far outweigh the human in numbers. Never underestimate them. Once they are being challenge/provoke, they may even manifest themselves. And believe me its no longer state of imagination or watever medical/scientific term u can come out with. :D

05-02-2008, 11:11 PM
As mentioned by you understanding Dharma is important and Dharani of Alvalokiteshavra or Kwan Yin was proclaimed in Mahayana Sutras. So aren't it considered Dharma, i disagree that it is not considered Dharma at all.

Benefits of the Dharani or the mantras is manifested as explained by Buddha and Bodhisattvas (mostly in Mahayana and Vajrayana Sutras) as it is not a supersitiution.

Dharma is the teaching. By chanting or memorising the whole chant and ignore the meaning, it is not Dharma. Just by chanting, without understanding is again ignorance and meaningless.

Aren't most of the so called Buddhists doing it now?? Aren't they supertitious and ignorance thinking by chanting them everydays will benefit them, as in good merit??

Very simple, a lot ppl chant this "Om ma ni pae mi hum". Who actually knows or bother to search what the whole chant means??? :rolleyes:

06-02-2008, 11:24 AM
The brain can be tricked easily and there are always smart people out there who know how to exploit that. Film wouldn't be possible if our brains weren't susceptible. The good thing about science is that it can differentiate the real stuff from the fake stuff.

Yes. Have to agree with u on that. We seen devotees piercing sharp objects thru their bodies. Some said faith counts. But some said minds control matters. Well, we just leave it as it is.

People who think I use science to justify the existence of ALL supernatural phenomenon should reread my posts, because nowhere have I said that I do not think that spirits may exist.

So what if I see one, I can't download an image of it from my brain can I?And even if I can download an image of a spirit from my brain, how can I be sure its not an illusion caused by some hallucinogen, electromagnetic influence etc.

Good. Discuss with an open mind

I suppose u ever heard of "Kui kia"(chinese) aka imp aka toyol (malay)? These are all genies. No need to download fm ur brain. U can actually see with ur own two eyes. I myself personally seen it with my own two eyes though I would rather avoid keeping such. If "luck" on ur side, u could even communicate with them. Seeing is Believing. Of course u could also say its illusion, state of the mind. To each its own. On 1 hand I accept some of ur scientific explanation that u had posted. On the other hand I wont discount the existence of spirits and genies altogether either. :)

06-02-2008, 03:19 PM
Yea I think Toyols are very interesting. Hopefully some paranormal researchers can discover how these spirits work. Personally though I think Toyols are rather like Tulpas (sentient beings created through thought-Tibetan). Most people who have attended religious rites performed by real mystics can attest to the many supernatural happenings that occur during these sessions. My opinion is that most of these spirits are generated by intense mental processes from these mystics. Similarly with ghosts I think intense emotions or thoughts may imprint itself on the surroundings. There is actually one japanese researcher doing research on how emotional states impact the structure of ice crystals. If it affects water then maybe it can affect other materials like rock or even cement. Interesting stuff, maybe that's the reason behind the saying 人怕鬼三分, 鬼怕人七分 because being the creators of ghosts and spirits we should be more powerful than they are. Being so we should cast out our fears.

07-02-2008, 12:48 PM
Interesting stuff, maybe that's the reason behind the saying 人怕鬼三分, 鬼怕人七分

Sorri, cant figure out ur last sentence cos it appears boxes format.

we should be more powerful than they are. Being so we should cast out our fears.

This one i agree 100%. Human beings are born with brains, to be able to distinguish between true and false. Though not discounting the existence of the supernatural completely, humans in their folly, tend to be quick to associate superstitious belief with the unknown.

07-02-2008, 04:48 PM
Avoid those very old hotels. Eg if I go to Genting Highlands, I always go to 1st world which is so much newer. Imagine those pioneer hotels with a very long history - chances are that some of the rooms are haunted. Esp ini Genting where they lost heavily and ended up committing suicide in the hotel rooms. Chances are fewer in newer hotels.

As a Buddhist, I would play " 梵唱大悲咒" translated means "The Great Compassion - Tibetean ver" chant on my hp whilst charging till morning. Of course I put the volume to the lowest so that I could sleep peacefully! So far no incident at all. I can really sleep peacefully without any worry at all.

For Muslims, maybe they can play the Koran on their hp or even the Christians can play mp3 sermons or Christian songs....

Just a suggestion becoz nowadays everything also can convert to mp3 and install on hp lah! I think it is a good defence against the supernatural depending on which faith you belong to and you armed yourself; be on your guard accordingly....

I also have 梵唱大悲咒 in my hp... and u noe who is the singer?

is 王菲 and 张智霖... Wif the power of the superstar and the chant... maybe the "friend" will not dare to make fun on you when u sleep...

07-02-2008, 04:53 PM
This is very true.

I had a very good friend who like to chant the sutra and this has attracted a lot of spirits near his home. Moreover, his unit is at the end of the block and near the staircase as well. Most of the spirits hang out there....When he start chanting, they will gather a listen.

It is TRUE, that by listerning, it will lighten their Karma. And, he knowing it, din want to stop as he says he is helping them. It give me crips when I visits him n after that I had not been going to he place....:cool:

Oh man... i just replied i got a DA BEI ZHOU in my hp....

and now u guys say it attracts spirits....

but, if spirits hear it... will they be harmful? or they wont hurt u but they just wan to hear the chant to reincarnate...

and sometimes when i go home by bus at night i also listen to it in my mp3 player...

maybe the 1 sitting beside me is a spirit ?! :eek:

07-02-2008, 05:05 PM
The definition for toyol can be found here - Toyol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyol)

There are 1 case which happen a few years back in Malaysia where a 'bomoh' capture a toyol and put it into an empty bottle. One of the chinese press photographer manage to take the pic.

I believe, no matter where we go, there are always a spirit surround us. Not only in hotel but everywhere. I would suggest, as long as we dont harm or disturb them, then they are ok with us unless you meet those fierce type.

A friend of mine with '3rd eye' always tell me how worried she is when she saw the red colour type of ghost. That is a fierce one but however 10 fingers count, 9 is normal ghost and 1 is red colour type averagely.

Anyway, sometimes our own mind play with our heart too. When we are in the empty room, we tend to imagine too many things (bullshit imagination). As always, who is hiding in the wardrobe, why the water in the bathroom is leaking and someone is walking along the corridor.

Not to say i do not believe in ghost but i do believe we must have a peaceful heart. If u really find something wrong with the room, ask for a change straight away. Anyway, i never encounter any special 'moment' during my stay in hotel room.

07-02-2008, 05:14 PM
The definition for toyol can be found here - Toyol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyol)

There are 1 case which happen a few years back in Malaysia where a 'bomoh' capture a toyol and put it into an empty bottle. One of the chinese press photographer manage to take the pic.

I believe, no matter where we go, there are always a spirit surround us. Not only in hotel but everywhere. I would suggest, as long as we dont harm or disturb them, then they are ok with us unless you meet those fierce type.

A friend of mine with '3rd eye' always tell me how worried she is when she saw the red colour type of ghost. That is a fierce one but however 10 fingers count, 9 is normal ghost and 1 is red colour type averagely.

Anyway, sometimes our own mind play with our heart too. When we are in the empty room, we tend to imagine too many things (bullshit imagination). As always, who is hiding in the wardrobe, why the water in the bathroom is leaking and someone is walking along the corridor.

Not to say i do not believe in ghost but i do believe we must have a peaceful heart. If u really find something wrong with the room, ask for a change straight away. Anyway, i never encounter any special 'moment' during my stay in hotel room.

i agree... sometimes i will imagine stupid things when i was alone in the bathroom of a hotel....

07-02-2008, 06:31 PM
Thanks for all the gd infos provided bros, happy chinese new year :)

08-02-2008, 08:46 PM
Dharma is the teaching. By chanting or memorising the whole chant and ignore the meaning, it is not Dharma. Just by chanting, without understanding is again ignorance and meaningless.

Aren't most of the so called Buddhists doing it now?? Aren't they supertitious and ignorance thinking by chanting them everydays will benefit them, as in good merit??

Very simple, a lot ppl chant this "Om ma ni pae mi hum". Who actually knows or bother to search what the whole chant means??? :rolleyes:
There is definitely merit in reciting mantra as proclaimed by the Lord Buddha and by just reciting the seed of Buddhahood is being planted and path towards Enlightment is being propelled. If there is no use for proclaiming these mantras why should Buddha and other Bodhisattvas bothered to proclaim these mantras that does not benefits the sentinent at all. Why don't you go and reasearch on 3 cannon or da zhan jin to find out? Moverever if these sentinents may not know the meaning but with faith and efforts, one will be aided by Enlightened beings to make further progress such as gaining sidhhis etc. I do strongly agreed to you that understanding Dharma is important and understanding will make complete difference in progress.

Om means 3 body "emanation body", "enjoyment body" and "dharma body" of Buddha and 5 wisdom of Dhyani budhhas. Mani means all wish fulling jewel or bodhicitta or skillfulness. Pae may means lotus or renouciation or wisdom. "Hum" is the seed syallble. Here i am replying u with the fastest reply without thinking and research. Yes it is about understanding, but no one proclaim that mantras is not Dharma at all. Cos they are also part of the Dharma teachings passed down from Lord Buddha Himself. By not acknowledging them that as part of Dharma is considered a slander. Slander on Sutras or anything that are proclaim by Buddha is considered as heavy sins.

09-02-2008, 02:07 AM
There is definitely merit in reciting mantra as proclaimed by the Lord Buddha and by just reciting the seed of Buddhahood is being planted and path towards Enlightment is being propelled.

Bhikkhu Dhammasami, "When a Buddhist does chanting, he is not asking some one to save him from evil nor is he hoping to be given a place in heaven as a result after he dies. Instead, through chanting he may be learning, teaching, philosophising or re-memorising the discourse."

Then why do we, Buddhists, chant?

In the olden days, before there were sufficient support materials for study like books, translations and computers we had to memorise to learn a discourse. After we had learnt it, we still had to chant regularly to protect it and hand it down to future generations. If we did not recite it daily we might forget it and omit some part of it. The Anguttara Nikaya says that if the discourses are poorly maintained this will lead to the disappearance of the Sasana. It was so important those days to memorise and chant it regularly. This must have definitely contributed in developing chanting practice. Chanting meant almost for the survival of the Dhamma itself.

In modern world, benefits we may get from chanting discourses is meditative one. When we chant if we try to concentrate well on the chanting, our mind becomes contemplative, not wandering, not engaging in unwholesome thoughts. Another will be Dharma.

Lastly, it is meaningless to debate over this cos we are of 2 different views. I'm 1 who believe in understanding the teaching and action rather than sitting there chanting whole day without understanding the mantra and believe in getting good out of it. Anyway again, no point debating on this.

BTW, please refer me to any site that stated on your above statement. I want to read more abt this. :rolleyes:

09-02-2008, 02:26 AM
TYes it is about understanding, but no one proclaim that mantras is not Dharma at all.

If u understand the meaning of the mantra then it is dharma. By memorising the words then it is purely another few simple sentences.

Herd Conformity - Only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.

09-02-2008, 10:18 AM
Sutras and Mantras, both have their "uses"...

Keep an open and peaceful mind and heart and actions.

What bro Naemlo mentioned are 2 different types of people / buddhists: the real ones and the "generalistic" ones who have not yet had their minds / actions "opened"..

But in terms of actions, how many of us can do that?:rolleyes:

09-02-2008, 10:26 AM
Yea I think Toyols are very interesting. Hopefully some paranormal researchers can discover how these spirits work. Personally though I think Toyols are rather like Tulpas (sentient beings created through thought-Tibetan). Most people who have attended religious rites performed by real mystics can attest to the many supernatural happenings that occur during these sessions. My opinion is that most of these spirits are generated by intense mental processes from these mystics. Similarly with ghosts I think intense emotions or thoughts may imprint itself on the surroundings. There is actually one japanese researcher doing research on how emotional states impact the structure of ice crystals. If it affects water then maybe it can affect other materials like rock or even cement. Interesting stuff, maybe that's the reason behind the saying 人怕鬼三分, 鬼怕人七分 because being the creators of ghosts and spirits we should be more powerful than they are. Being so we should cast out our fears.

what rubbish of humans are the creators of ghosts and spirits? sorry if the tone is harsh...:mad:

there is no creation, no loss, we humans are just part characters of the Big Game called Life, affected by the rules of Karma, with the many different stages to attain (i.e. Hell, Animals, Humans, Fairies, Boddhisatvas, Buddhas)

09-02-2008, 02:48 PM
I came across this article by MALAYSIA GHOST RESEARCH:-

Ghost field investigations: Understanding the needs of respect and reverence for the dead.

October 29th, 2006 by Augustine Towonsing


It seems that we still cannot comprehend the existence of the spirit. In fact, IGHS has pointed out that all creatures and living things are supposed to have a 'life force' that sustains life. Furthermore, this 'life force' in humans is considered to be the soul or spirit that retains the intelligence, emotions and personality of the human being that survive death. This 'life force' survives death because energy cannot be destroyed but may transform into other energy patterns that represents the existence of the spirit.

Investigation results less important.

However, some of us give more importance to investigation results rather than understand the psychology of the spirit. Positive thinking does not mean we can do whatever that can attract the spirit that would benefit our investigation results. We must not forget that spirits exist based on how they used to live when they were alive. In the spirit realm, we exist in the form of energy that retains human qualities. Therefore, even though we shed off our physical body, we still need respect.

I would like to point out that success in ghost field investigations is not based on how scientific or how sophisticated the tools we employ during field investigation are. Instead, such success is based on how much we understand the existence of the spirit and how much we care them, how we accept their existence, what kind of respect and reverence we show towards them. The great tools are imbedded within our personality – the concept of humility that contains the respect and reverence towards spirit existence.

Psychology needs of the dead.

Therefore, the standards and protocols that include showing reverence and respect for the dead that the IGHS promotes are the greatest tools that match the psychology needs of the dead. Let me explain, in reality we don’t like to talk to someone or feel comfortable with someone whom we don’t recognize and we also may be reluctant to even communicate without good reason with someone whom we don’t know. Therefore, this natural nature also applies to the ghost research field investigation in that we cannot force the spirit to participate in our investigations. Every one of us lives with a free will. In fact, the spirit has the free will whether to participate or not during our investigations. We do not seek for the spirit of the dead but rather, we just document their existence to prove the existence of life after the first life.

Nevertheless, if we treat these spirits which exist with kindness and respect, we will live without fear. Respect for the dead coupled with kindness and reverence does not only show our respect and acceptance towards the spirit, but the spirit in turn will also treat us in the same way and will give us great success when we conduct paranormal investigations.

Furthermore, if we fail to show respect, kindness and reverence towards the spirit, then we don’t need to expect great success in our investigations. Open our mind to be wise, the only key that holds the psychology of the dead is being polite by showing our reverence and respect. This is not difficult to understand; in fact this is the basic nature of human beings that we should cultivate.

Nobody likes to be forced to do anything. Even in real life, we don’t like someone to order us to do things in an improper manner. Asking in a polite manner always gives a positive impact on the listener that will definitely enable them to cooperate rather than giving orders in a rough tone that always brings about negative impact. This example is similar to the investigator and the spirit involved in ghost investigations where which their relationship is linked through energy that is related to the psychological intention and emotion.

Therefore, if someone behaves aggressively towards the spirit by ordering the spirit to appear, so that the spirit can be captured, then we should be prepared to feel the negative reaction of the spirit towards us or we suffer the failure of getting success in the investigation. Nevertheless, the technology that we employ during field investigation is not the most important that brings success but not more than a tool that helps us to document spirit existence. I maintain that the best attraction for spirits to participate in our investigations is by showing respect and reverence towards them.

'Billboard' to attract the spirit natural curiosity.

Furthermore, we can put up a ‘billboard’ that may positively attract the curiosity of the spirits that psychologically will not force them to participate in our investigations. In real life, we tend to look at billboards out of curiosity rather than meet someone who is trying to promote a product. Therefore, why not instead of using the Ouija board or crystal ball that often summons malevolent spirits, we put up a ‘billboard’ during investigations to attract the spirits. In my case, when I do video recording at the cemetery I always find a dark spot and put up my video recording with an external light on it. As IGHS recommended, I never wait for spirits to come by to be recorded, rather I let them approach the external light out of their natural curiosity. Furthermore, this is actually a very simple scientific method that can be easily adopted by anyone.


My conclusion is that, spirit are human beings who still retain their emotions and intelligence that survive death. Therefore, they still behave exactly like us who need respect from the living. As a ghost investigator who understands the concept of humility that is related to positive behaviour – showing respect and reverence for the dead will always create positive energy that in turn will attract the spirit to be involved in paranormal investigations.

09-02-2008, 03:34 PM
what rubbish of humans are the creators of ghosts and spirits? sorry if the tone is harsh...:mad:

Maybe in scientific term. But in religious term, definitely dont agree to that.

there is no creation, no loss, we humans are just part characters of the Big Game called Life, affected by the rules of Karma, with the many different stages to attain (i.e. Hell, Animals, Humans, Fairies, Boddhisatvas, Buddhas)

I.e. if you are only referring to Buddhism. But dont forget about the other 3 great religions as well. Interpretation may differs.

10-02-2008, 02:48 AM
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, there's no need to apologize for your beliefs. If you think my theoretical concepts are rubbish thats fine with me, as it would be tremendously boring to have everyone in agreement with each other. Even in Buddhism itself there are different schools of thought. I just tend to think that beliefs have a very deep impact on one's perception of reality. So whats real for you might not be for me.

what rubbish of humans are the creators of ghosts and spirits? sorry if the tone is harsh...:mad:

there is no creation, no loss, we humans are just part characters of the Big Game called Life, affected by the rules of Karma, with the many different stages to attain (i.e. Hell, Animals, Humans, Fairies, Boddhisatvas, Buddhas)

10-02-2008, 04:57 AM
If u understand the meaning of the mantra then it is dharma. By memorising the words then it is purely another few simple sentences.

Herd Conformity - Only fools follow along with the herd, letting an impersonal entity dictate to you. The key is to choose a master wisely instead of being enslaved by the whims of the many.

Don't belittle the use of mantra cos i have seen the effect it can do. Once I had chanted beside one lorry driver who have experinced harassment from spirits, while driving he could not concentrate and was driving very slowly even his wife have witness this norms. The moment i start chanting mantras loud and firece and the driver was immediately freed from them. For those people who not have not entered the doors of Vajrayana do not understand or have little understanding on the secrets behind these powerful verses. Just like those who have not tasted watermelon, will never know the experinece of those who actually tasted sweetness of watermelon. Such a simple OM AH HUM can break into a lot of things and teachings as well. Mantra is also about interconnection with the divine or the Buddhist deity. Also these mantras comes in Sanskrits cos all Buddhas teaches in Sanskrit. One sanskrit word holds up to 10 meanings at the same time. Sounds from such mantras has effect on water too, for example just by reciting the mantra or dharani alone will affect the crystralisation of the water and will turns into very beautiful transformation when it changes into ice under mircoscopic view. Simailar when shouted vulgar laugauge into the water, it takes form of ugly transfromation when crystralized. I also agreed that understanding the mantra will make the mantra more effacious. Mantras are also sound vibration or verses that are blessed by Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Protectors etc. Have anyone heard of old lady recite Om Mani Pa Me "Nui" with single concentration or faith can also have siddhis like making pebbles jump or cook stones for meals without understanding the meaning??? The above meanings for Om Mani Pe Me Hum as explained was as remembered during my lessons. If debate on Buddhism is well-intented ones, it can serve to sever ignorance and increase understanding and wisdom. for helpful links pls look under them for more info on mantras:
What is a Mantra and How Does It Work? (http://www.sanskritmantra.com/what.htm)
Om Mani Padme Hum: The Meaning of the Mantra in Tibetan Buddhism (http://www.dharma-haven.org/tibetan/meaning-of-om-mani-padme-hung.htm)

10-02-2008, 05:11 AM
Sutras and Mantras, both have their "uses"...

Keep an open and peaceful mind and heart and actions.

What bro Naemlo mentioned are 2 different types of people / buddhists: the real ones and the "generalistic" ones who have not yet had their minds / actions "opened"..

But in terms of actions, how many of us can do that?:rolleyes:

Just make the best of use whatever you have been taught;)

10-02-2008, 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by lightning
There is definitely merit in reciting mantra as proclaimed by the Lord Buddha and by just reciting the seed of Buddhahood is being planted and path towards Enlightment is being propelled.

To explain this statement, whispering mantras to animals etc. will help them to lessen their negative karmas and aids to uplift to be reborn in the 3 fortunate upper realms faster. Similarly, it can helps to speed up the process towards path of Enlightment. That is the power derived from the blessing of mantras. In the Sutra of Foolish and the Wise ones. There is this ordained monk whom even Venerable Shuripatta given up on teaching him due to his extermely poor memory and could not detect any merits from him. But Buddha could see due to this monk in one of his past life as a fly during eons ago which flew around the stupa unknowingly had gain merit that allow him to become Arhat during that Buddha's time!

Lastly, agreed that chanting alone is not enough becos listening, complateing and practise is needed, but there is defintely merits and benefits in chanting mantras even without understanding. Recitations of mantra will be more effective with understanding and accummulations of recitations. Chanting without understanding is probably is the last option for those who have difficulty in understanding.

10-02-2008, 02:07 PM
There is definitely merit in reciting mantra as proclaimed by the Lord Buddha and by just reciting the seed of Buddhahood is being planted and path towards Enlightment is being propelled.

I strongly believe in action than purely memorising and saying out words by words will gain merit. Again, no point debating on this cos of different "school teaching" and thinking. There are better forums for us to highlight for this topic.

Can u again please refer me to Buddha's claim on the above.

10-02-2008, 09:17 PM
I strongly believe in action than purely memorising and saying out words by words will gain merit. Again, no point debating on this cos of different "school teaching" and thinking. There are better forums for us to highlight for this topic.

Can u again please refer me to Buddha's claim on the above.
The benefits are as mentioned in one of the many mantra:
Usnisa Vijaya Dharani Sutra
I still think u wld still choose to disbelieve, even the whole book of sutra or Tripitaka put in from of u

21-02-2008, 08:42 AM
"A meditation technique used a great deal in Tibetan Buddhism is uniting
the mind with the sound of a mantra. The definition of mantra is
"that which protects the mind." That which protects the mind
from negativity, or which protects you from your own mind, is mantra.
When you are nervous, disoriented, or emotionally fragile, inspired
chanting or reciting of a mantra can change the state of your mind
completely, by transforming its energy and atmosphere. How is this
possible? Mantra is the essence of sound, the embodiment of the truth in
the form of sound. Each syllable is impregnated with spiritual power,
condenses a deep spiritual truth, and vibrates with the blessing of the
speech of the buddhas.

It is also said that the mind rides on the subtle energy of the breath,
the prana, which moves through and purifies the subtle channels of the
body. So when you chant a mantra, you are charging your breath and
energy with the energy of the mantra, and so working directly on your
mind and your subtle body."

~ Sogyel Rinpoche

21-02-2008, 08:52 AM
I think as long as we dont do anything against our conscience, we do not have to worry about G.

ah rat
25-04-2008, 07:33 AM
Raffles Place Ghost?

YouTube - rafflesplaceghost's Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/rafflesplaceghost)

25-04-2008, 07:04 PM
驱鬼十一招 11 ways 2 drive ghosts away ...

要是你「活见鬼」了,你该怎么办呢?从古至今流传许多驱鬼的方法,都十分传神,要不相信,还不可能呢!现在 介绍你「驱鬼十一招」,保你受用无穷!














如果你是买到外行人画的, 字串7









disclaimer: try @ ur own risk ... :p

25-04-2008, 07:24 PM
Raffles Place Ghost?

YouTube - rafflesplaceghost's Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/rafflesplaceghost)

Wah lau eh!!! :eek:

25-04-2008, 08:28 PM
According to ytd de chinese paper..
It's thru an editing... So... PLease... Dun scare urself...

25-04-2008, 09:10 PM
According to ytd de chinese paper..
It's thru an editing... So... PLease... Dun scare urself...

agreed, too clear view to be ghost liow.... anywhere good editing effort. :)

Ah Thut
21-08-2008, 10:34 PM
I think as long as we dont do anything against our conscience, we do not have to worry about G.

I would like to relate my stay at a hotel. It is quite a old hotel and I have stayed there several times. On at least 3 occasions, one of the room light (be it desk light, floor light, etc) will suddenly go on. During my last stay at this hotel a month ago, the air-conditioning went off at around 4.00 a.m. All these happen in different rooms.

Do you all think it is haunted or simply the result of old and faulty wiring? As for the air-con, I suppose its the thermostat but it only happened once.

Anybody wish to give an opinion?:confused:

22-08-2008, 12:57 AM
i broke the slipper rule while holidaying at kl. next morning found 1 slipper under my pillow. bloody scary.... i swear all the slipper was on the floor b4 i slp

22-08-2008, 10:23 AM
On at least 3 occasions, one of the room light (be it desk light, floor light, etc) will suddenly go on. During my last stay at this hotel a month ago, the air-conditioning went off at around 4.00 a.m. All these happen in different rooms.

Do you all think it is haunted or simply the result of old and faulty wiring? As for the air-con, I suppose its the thermostat but it only happened once.

Although I believed in the existence of ghosts, below maybe the answer to your queries:

I have some understanding of electrical wiring, it may be due to a timer being installed or thermostat - for the aircon; light/motion sensor or timer installed, faulty light switch/contacts -for the room light. There are always a logical explanation for such incidents.

Ah Thut
22-08-2008, 09:53 PM
Although I believed in the existence of ghosts, below maybe the answer to your queries:

I have some understanding of electrical wiring, it may be due to a timer being installed or thermostat - for the aircon; light/motion sensor or timer installed, faulty light switch/contacts -for the room light. There are always a logical explanation for such incidents.

Thank you for your explanations. :)

03-12-2011, 06:43 PM
thnks for sharing:)

04-12-2011, 01:18 AM
hmmm if ur a girl or going into hotel with a girl. u can try taking panties and swing around the room.

Panties scares ghost.

egmar mah
20-12-2011, 03:55 PM