View Full Version : Here is THE HEART TRUTHS why 70% PAP!!!!

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15-09-2015, 08:40 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/12002815_892765754150018_2888055387086888545_n.jpg ?oh=4296836c9556f25abe73170fdbb12320&oe=569E1A0E&__gda__=1449027458_ffee7b270ff39734b97055981357d7e 9


Long post - but since every GE affects all our lives and future - important to reflect seriously and give our views. Here's mine. ( Dr Ng Eng Hen )

I won’t go into the reasons why the People's Action Party received such a strong mandate – 70% of the popular vote - for #GE2015. Suffice to say, political analysts are having a heyday delving into the minutiae and pouring forth their analyses, with more to come. Not surprising – as I cannot remember any democratic country with free and fair elections, having as high a support with such a big swing in recent history, as GE 2015 in #Singapore (except for our own in 2001). But I will also say that never have I felt so optimistic about Singapore’s future, as now. Yes, it’s because I am a #PAP Minister, but if we are honest, most Singaporeans woke up feeling more confident about our way forward because of this overwhelming result. Here’s why I think such a strong and unequivocal mandate puts Singapore on the trajectory to even more stability and progress:

1. Singaporeans are united on their Government and its direction for Singapore. In a world where it has become commonplace for governments in many countries to be paralysed by dissension and discord, this important facet of Singapore stand unique and will remain our competitive edge.

2. Singaporeans, in general, agree with the policies and style of Government. Many important proposals were put forward by the Opposition during GE 2015, that ran counter to the general direction of PM Lee Hsien Loong's government. But voters were not enticed by high universal state support for the poor or de rigiste labour rules on wages and hiring; they still support a strong defence; they were not gulled that we could simply draw on reserves or tax just the wealthy. They did not buy into ideas to radically reform our CPF, housing, healthcare and education systems. Yes, everyone wants improvement, but not through experimentation that can de-rail a Singapore system that works.

3. GE 2015 results signaled a maturing electorate able to differentiate the rhetoric of political slogans from the realities that Singapore must face together. It doesn’t mean that life is comfortable for all, or that problems don’t exist – no one is naïve enough to believe that. But Singaporeans understand our larger challenges even as they grapple with their individual problems and want things to improve.

4. Singaporeans are fair-minded. In GE2011, support for the PAP went down because there were problems with housing, healthcare and transport, foreign labour, to name some. Singaporeans felt Government did not care for their daily struggles. But in the last four years, we worked hard to fix them, with some successes. Also, we changed the way we engaged our residents on the ground. Many PAP MPs used different programs to increase their face to face contact with residents. At the local level, many new programs and facilities had a direct impact on the well-being of residents. For example, in Bishan Toa Payoh, we build 114 elderly fitness stations ! We raised funds to give out nearly $2M in community scholarships. Singaporeans gave credit where it was due, and acknowledge these efforts in their vote.

5. Singaporeans expect minimum standards from all political parties. They appreciate the theatre that each GE brings and some even attend many rallies of different parties to check things out and revel in the almost carnival atmosphere. But when it comes to their vote, they expect intelligent and reasonable views backed by good character. Singaporeans want a discourse on our common problems, less mud-slinging and are not easily swayed by inflammatory slogans. They want our politicians to be honest and incorrupt and keep our system clean.

6. Singaporeans want to know their candidate and what he has or can do for them. As the saying goes, all politics is local. National issues and the Party image set the base support. But, we saw differences in results within GRCs and across SMCs for different candidates from the same party, even when facing the same opposing party ( PAP and opposition parties alike). What the local MP or candidate does, his or her image, can mean a difference of as much as 5% points. In electoral terms, this is a big swing factor. To ignore this essential component of our political system, is to miss the point and lose votes.

All these expectations from ‪#‎Singaporean‬ voters are indeed reasonable and good and will keep our politics clean, effective and efficient, regardless of the party in charge. Singaporeans want their political representatives and leaders to have high standards of integrity and honesty. If ever PAP steers away from these expectations or loses touch with our voters, we will see a drop in support in the next election - as we should. If opposition parties want to rely only on opportunism to fan discord and precipitate risky change, Singaporeans will only let them go so far. To win, opposition parties must offer real and credible alternatives to the difficult problems we face together. Above all, GE 2015 showed that as always, it is Singaporeans who ultimately determine the destiny of our nation. They chose a course that make us believe and work towards a SG100 that is even better than Singapore50 (‪#‎SG50‬).

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?216368-Here-is-THE-HEART-TRUTHS-why-70-PAP!!!!&goto=newpost).