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View Full Version : Viet girl gets banned from coming into singapore MBS hotel room and sia flight wasted

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13-08-2015, 04:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Good engrish she wrote btw :D

https://www.facebook.com/candy.shyk/...92054174141701 (https://www.facebook.com/candy.shyk/posts/1192054174141701)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11846593_1192053414141777_4250595143735544211_n.jp g?oh=8cd02ac122d321351eb341b6ad8eba87&oe=5636C45F&__gda__=1447129184_7877d16fd2b3f4574c5d370eca954e1 7

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Singapore, A Civilized Country Modern Human Rights Appreciated. But the way they treated residents country you no different than treating animals, see us as criminals while we're innocent!
Yourself and your book a return 5 days of Singapore Airline Booking, Hotel Marina Bay Sands 5 night, the total cost up to $ 4000, plus we carry handbag $ 3000 Hand. We travel, There's no five for, don't bring the illegal stuff, we all speak English stutter, the papers are full and clear. Only booking hotels is not my name, because I asked your book for (she's Casino membership so can book for cheaper price on agoda 30 %). When customs request, you yourself also called talk to confirm that we have asked her book the room under your name was right with the day we declare, customs can call to the hotel to confirm.
But customs sing just a request hotels to be book in our name new accepted! They don't say no that pushed us into 1 rooms'm cold, no water, no food, no for to pee, don't even notice or explain why do that. We fly in the morning, because yet so didn't make breakfast, Changi Landing at 3 pm, they kept us close to 8 pm in the very cold, until my hands and my lips a game, people you Paralyzed and fading for exhausted, hunger and thirst. I request a lot of times the right to speak with the authority, demand to know what's happening to me and why? But they just ignore it. Then I find all the way finally contact with people who used to work at Consulate General of Vietnam in singapore. He immediately called the dozen up to arc where we are being served but they don't even get a machine. I say we just hit the door calling your attention to them and give the phone to you talk but they still leave us in it. Then my friend I only send email urgent for customs Somalia request solve for us immediately, about 2 hours later they come confiscate always phone, bags of us and escort us To 1 dorm hideously ugly dirty and they inform us not allowed in the. Right after listening to announce yourself ask yourself call 1 phone calls to cancel rooms at mbs but they don't agree.
We continue to be held next morning would be transferred on the plane to Vietnam with no an explanation why. We're losing money tickets + Money Hotels and being treated like criminals a way beyond memory!
After land on the airport tan son nhat us straight to the consulate to do single denounce, request be answerable about things happened.
By the way I want to call all of our citizens, if you encounter similar cases like us, if you are completely innocent, don't be annoying go to the embassy in hn or the consulate In India to make a complaint! I believe there are a lot of people were, are and will be treated 1 how unfair, outrageous like that anymore. Just the same hand, small part to pressurize for them, the wind will be to storm! Brethren we deserve to be treated 1 way more fair and civilization than!

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?212598-Viet-girl-gets-banned-from-coming-into-singapore-MBS-hotel-room-and-sia-flight-wasted&goto=newpost).