View Full Version : former Singapore Deputy Prime Minister S. Rajaratnam on Dead Fart LKY

Sammyboy RSS Feed
27-03-2015, 06:50 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11054380_10152839264864141_7112773431354345371_n.j pg?oh=720eb33e1cd3745c109c32d4592773ae&oe=55AD8B26&__gda__=1436981209_6a8e7271fb6db3b24bcbc763ab287f3 8

From former Singapore Deputy Prime Minister S. Rajaratnam:

"There is a difference between me and Kuan Yew. He was not all that keen on democracy, “one man one vote.” I always believed that every one should be allowed to vote. This was an important difference. Goh Keng Swee had a different approach. He was a civil servant. We must have a very strong civil service. And we can dominate by running the civil service, and there is fair play all round.

I believe in democracy. Here, Kuan Yew and I don’t agree. He says, “You are very naïve. You don’t understand. One man, one vote won’t work.” Recently, he said there should be two votes for every educated man.

I express my views. Every citizen has the right to vote. Lee Kuan Yew says that you cannot trust democracy. I believe you can and you must.

And Lee had this belief in IQ. Some are born with high IQ and some with low IQ. I remember once arguing with him. I said, “What is IQ based on?” I still have the book, Not In Your Genes. It makes this point: you can take the blood of any person, Chinese or Indian. Can the blood tell the IQ? No! It’s impossible. It’s not genetic.

Lee Kuan Yew is a dominant man. But Chok Tong believes in consensus. Once he’s decided, that’s it. There was little tiff between him and his son, you know. Because Lee Kuan Yew said, “If anyone stops my way, it doesn’t matter who he is, I’ll push him away.” For the first time the son was being different. And Lee Kuan Yew said, “No if anyone stands in my way I’ll just push through.” So while Lee Kuan Yew is alive, he’ll be dominant.

He knows that we can’t live forever. His dream is to leave behind a reputation. So that even when he passes away, that Singapore will remember him. That this is the man we wanted in Singapore. I don’t think that exactly what he wrote, but that is how he reflected himself, project himself.

Lee Kuan Yew ... believes that if there are more Lee Kuan Yew’s, this place will hum."

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://singsupplies.com/showthread.php?203616-former-Singapore-Deputy-Prime-Minister-S-Rajaratnam-on-Dead-Fart-LKY&goto=newpost).