View Full Version : Singapore is held back by the fear that has implanted in singaporeans

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19-01-2015, 01:50 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

http://therealsingapore.com/content/...d-singaporeans (http://therealsingapore.com/content/singapore-held-back-fear-pap-has-implanted-singaporeans)

For any society to advance to its best one thing is fundamental. That something is self confidence within each citizen. It is the realization that you have rights, you have rights that will be protected, that no tin pot tyrant can push you around just because he doesn't like you.

It is the realization that you don't have to cringe and crawl just because you are before Lee Kuan Yew's son, your ruler, and there is nothing to worry about.

This is not the case in Singapore and that is the problem. Let me show you a picture from the island's state controlled press the Straits Times of Jan 17, 2015 titled "PM lee looking back at 10 years at the helm............... http://www.straitstimes.com/news/sin...ahead-new-te-0 (http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/more-singapore-stories/story/pm-lee-looking-back-10-years-the-helm-and-ahead-new-te-0)

In it he goes on blowing his trumpet as to how great and what achievements he has accomplished while half his Singaporeans are living from paycheck to paycheck and at least 30% are living at or below the poverty line in their state owned pigeon holes.

But that is not the point here. The point is to show how consumed with fear these Singaporeans are with this man and why such fear never generated any greatness.

I am well qualified to mention this Singaporean behavior as I live in the West and have done so many years. I can clearly see the Singaporean fear as opposed to the self confidence of Western citizens.

One clear sign of this fear can be seen in this stage managed press conference; clearly evident in the layout of the picture, chairs carefully laid out all in a row, carefully measured and equidistant from each other in a well measured arc.

This picture could well have even been taken in North Korea seated before Kim Jong Un the way it looks, but this is actually taken in Singapore. On these chairs specially invited screened for obedience journalists are invited to ask questions previously approved for this event.

Each of these Singaporean style mouse like journalists quietly sit there and quietly ask the politically correct pre-approved questions. No question whatsoever of embarrassing the Emperor seated in front or your head will fly.

And in answer to these well rehearsed questions, the Emperor gives the necessary politically convenient answers which these ever suppliant journalists will naturally pretend to agree whole heartedly with everything he says nodding their heads in unison in the prescribed manner making sure that the Emperor is pleased and hopefully the journalist will still have his job tomorrow.

You won't expect a single journalist to ask the obvious question, "Do you not agree that paying yourself $3.7 million in salary officially and even more secretly is downright corruption and don't you agree that you should rightfully now be in jail and not the Prime Ministers Office?"

Obviously in Lee Kuan Yew's son's Singapore you can't do that even if the question is what troubles every single citizen the most. On no, that won't do. If you did, you would either find yourself in the local mental hospital or more likely the jail for insulting the Emperor".

The reason why fear is such a powerful factor in Singapore is this. In America a journalist could have asked embarrassing questions of Obama and still be employed by any other news agency in the country. In tiny Singapore where Lee Kuan Yew and his son control everyone and everybody, the moment you fall from favor, you are as good as unemployed for life. The only avenue left for you is to emigrate. With such life threatening consequences, is there any doubt why people are so afraid?

Singaporeans cannot progress with this daily fear of the Emperor. Journalists are afraid to ask questions. Teachers are afraid to teach the importance of truth freedom and courage. Men are unwilling to excel in their work because what is rewarded is political support, not how good you are in what you do. Everyone has to be some sort of a Dr. Jekkl and Mr. Hyde, on the one hand say you love your country but in private hate every bit of it or on the one hand don't openly mention anything of the Emperors corruption but privately mock and ridicule him.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?198326-Singapore-is-held-back-by-the-fear-that-has-implanted-in-singaporeans&goto=newpost).