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View Full Version : Malaysian Han Hui Hui lie and copy people article to make it her own

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28-11-2014, 09:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Still think Ms Han Hui Hui is a 'champion of people's rights?' Don't believe she a Looney Fringe desperate for attention, sympathy and trying to hoodwink her way onto the political scene? Want further proof? Well here's proof - take a look at the following article penned by Hong Kong's student activist Joshua Wong:

http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opi...re-governed-20 (http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/young-protesters-hong-kong-want-say-how-they-are-governed-20)

It's heartfelt account of his struggle for universal suffrage in Hong Kong, what he's gone through, the sacrifices he's making and the support he has. Now take a look at the following article by Looney Fringe Han:

http://huihui247.blogspot.sg/2014/10...-park.html?m=1 (http://huihui247.blogspot.sg/2014/10/returnourcpf-protest-at-hong-lim-park.html?m=1)

Remember a game which we played whilst young (and even now) - Spot the difference? Where 2 photos are lined up together and you're asked to spot the 10 differences between them? Now you can play the same game here with these 2 articles, except you required now to spot the similarities, and how many more than 10 can you spot!

Looney Fringe Han and Roy in an 'overseas research trip' photo. We can now safely change the word "honest" at her blog heading to "dishonest."

But this is not a game, this is serious. This is plagiarism, this is a lie designed to hoodwink ordinary Singaporeans into supporting and donating to the Looney Fringe, and burnishing her credentials. This is not funny, this is an attempt to pilfer word for word a genuine struggle for a greater cause - democracy, and to portray it as a reality in her own life. The experiences of Mr Wong are his alone, it cannot be described in any way as the experiences of Ms Han, who has repeatedly 'pushed the envelope' in a brazen attempt at self-aggrandisement.

Let me give you just 1 example - Mr Wong relates:

My parents are not political activists. But over the past few months, because of my prominent role in the protest movement, my family's home address has been disclosed online, and my parents have been harassed. Despite the aggravation, my parents respect my choice to participate in the demonstrations. They give me freedom to do what I believe is important.

Ms Han pilfers this entire paragraph and uses it as her own! She also borrows 'his post-90s generation line' to try and fit into hers. But how would she know anything about the 'post 90s generation here?' She wasn't born here then, didn't grow up here, lived in Malaysia and only moved here at the turn of the century, what in heaven's name does she know about the 1990s? Not to mention, when she came here in around 2003, she was barely a teenager - 12 or 13 years old, went to school and only became a citizen in 2012. You mean to tell me, she led such an underprivileged life in the past decade? No food, utter poverty, no chance at bettering herself through the education system, while her parents toiled at 2 jobs just to provide for her and her family? You mean to say a 12-13 year old new immigrant understands the psyche and the lifestyle of Singaporeans much older, who've lived here since birth? This is a complete fabrication - a despicable lie in a pathetic attempt to garner sympathy.

Joshua Wong has a genuine grievance and is a real activist. Ms Han and the Looney Fringe are not.

And she's not even a good liar, she mistakenly copied a line from Mr Wong's piece and pasted it on her post:

My generation's political awakening has been simmering for years. Nearly five years ago, young people led protests against the wasteful construction of a new rail line connecting Hong Kong to mainland China.
If her article was genuinely hers, please explain how the above passage fits into modern day Singapore, or relates to her? Did the Chinese Govt happen to build a railway line from China to HK and to Malaysia, where her parents are from?


This is further evidence that the Looney Fringe is merely aping events elsewhere in order to try to portray themselves as martyrs or fighting for us. They are not, they are a scam, living and telling lies as they go in a desperate attempt to hoodwink us. Imitation is said to be a form of flattery, but plagiarism is not. It's a complete lie and casts grave doubts on the credibility of the writer. I gather that at various points certain opposition figures like Kenneth Jeyaretnam, Goh Meng Seng, even Dr Chee Soon Juan and some NSP members, have had dealings with the Looney Fringe led by Ms Han, Leong Sze Hian and Roy Ngerng. Some of them have spoken at their protests or given some sort of 'blessings or show of support.'

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t35.0-12/10813479_410740572407092_612488643_o.jpg?oh=8cf509 31ee66d31d59b851256855aea7&oe=5476D52B&__gda__=1417076660_d1646f0ba6dac1f2cc209eb46cfa043 2
They were advised not to attend yesterday's PTC, but insisted on attending anyway. Why? Because of the 'photo opportunity' above, a chance to display their 'Hunger Games Salute.' A mockery and an insult, what do they know about hunger and poverty that many of us growing up here have experienced? We didn't eat in cafes, go to Europe or crowdfunded to gain money. We worked hard and tried to better ourselves.

But they must now know of the risks of associating with the Looney Fringe. Politics is about being genuine and an honest desire to serve, plagiarism and looney attention seeking antics are not. They stand to have their credibility and judgment called into question, if they continue to associate in whatever form with the Looney Fringe. Plagiarism is a very serious 'no-no' in the political arena - it's a lie and calls into question one's credibility. It even cost current US Vice President Joe Biden his 1988 presidential bid, after it was found that he plagiarised UK Labour Leader Neil Kinnock's article.
So associate with the likes of Ms Han at your own peril. And for those that are still attempting to justify her and the Looney Fringe's actions, the question is - When are you going to open your eyes to the truth?

NB: I gather Ms Han has edited her blog entry to delete the reference to the train line to HK, which was exactly what Mr Wong wrote - an article for the people of Hong Kong. She may also delete her entry because it shows her in a very bad light and exposes her falsehoods and blatant attempt to garner sympathy. She has a habit of not taking responsibility. So here's a screenshot of the original plagiarised article:

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/988848_10152913602503179_5459779743082815574_n.jpg ?oh=d9b6bfaa03f584405e8c6a2d40dfed1f&oe=54DA34B2&__gda__=1427966779_1184f4f2dd2c560f42a9f917bb73310 5


There are even some who are suggesting that Ms Han published her article first. For this to be true, it would mean that Mr Wong, not her, committed plagiarism! Imagine that, Mr Wong a non native English speaker, copied an article from an unknown Singaporean and then translated it back into either Cantonese or Mandarin, which in turn was translated by the New York Times (NYT) back into English! Only a fool will believe that. It doesn't matter when Mr Wong published his article, it always remains his article. Eg: If Mr Wong writes an article today, but only publishes it next week or a newspaper picks it up and does so only then. In the meantime, Ms Han lifts that article, edits it and publishes it today, does it make her the original writer? Ms Han wants you to believe that. Will you believe her lies?

http://anyhowhantam.blogspot.sg/2014...ies-again.html (http://anyhowhantam.blogspot.sg/2014/11/han-hui-hui-is-telling-lies-again.html)

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?194760-Malaysian-Han-Hui-Hui-lie-and-copy-people-article-to-make-it-her-own&goto=newpost).