View Full Version : When officials are paid more, there is more corruption

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11-03-2014, 01:30 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

When officials are paid more, there is more corruption (http://www.tremeritus.com/2014/03/10/when-officials-are-paid-more-there-is-more-corruption/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/simages/dmca_protected_sml_120n.png http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostDateIcon.png March 10th, 2014 | http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostAuthorIcon.png Author: Contributions (http://www.tremeritus.com/author/contributor/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/24068635e5dde71131b78542a5efce1b9c166186-300x199.jpg Ling Jiefang aka Eryue He (二月河)

Dear TRE,
I came across this news from China and would like to share it with readers.
In the second session of the 12th National People’s Congress, Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Wang Qi Shan nodded in agreement with an opinion expressed by China’s famous historical fiction writer “Eryue He”, that high salary for officials in fact increases corrupt practices among them.
Eryue He is the pen name of Ling Jiefang (Eryue He, 二月河, literally means “River of the Second Month”). He is a famous modern Chinese historical fiction writer. Ling is best known for writing biographical novels of three Qing Dynasty emperors (Kangxi Emperor, Yongzheng Emperor and Qianlong Emperor), all of which have been adapted into award-winning television series (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eryue_He).
Commenting on the recent crackdown on corruption in China, Ling, who is also a representative of NPC, rejected the idea of paying high salary to civil servants. Comparing the pay for court officials in the Song Dynasty, Han Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, Ling remarked that Song Dynasty officials were actually the most corrupt even though their salary was 6 times higher than for Han officials and 10 times higher than for Qing officials.
Wang pointed out that the duties and responsibilities at every level of office must be clear. The focus must be on having a clean government and combating corruption via self-discipline, control and reformation. Basic ground activities must be closely monitored.
人大代表称“高薪养廉”将致腐 败更重 王岐山不时点头
2014-03-08 新华网

新华网北京3月7日电中共中央政治局常 委、中央纪委书记王岐山7日参加了十二届 全国人大二次会议河南代表团审议。
代表们围绕农业现代化、反腐倡廉等问题 积极发言。在认真听取代表发言后,王岐 山指出,各级纪检监察机关要明确职责定 位,聚焦中心任务,转职能、转方式、转 作风。清理参与的议事协调机构,把更多 的力量调配到党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争 主业上。按照打铁还需自身硬的要求,
化自我监督。推进体制机制改革,加强基 础工作,做到情况明、数字准、责任清、 作风正、工作实。
人大代表、著名作家二月河从历史角度谈 反腐倡廉,王岐山笑论“知音”。
二月河用16个字“蛟龙愤怒、鱼鳖惊慌、春 雷震撼、四野震动。”评价当前的反腐力 度。他说,有人主张高薪养廉,我不同 意,从历史角度看,历史上工资最高的时 候是宋朝,“公务员工资”是汉代的6倍,清 代的10倍,但宋朝是中国历史上最腐败的 朝代。
王岐山很认真地听取二月河的发言,不时 点头。
二月河说:“《24史》我读完了,说实话, 没有哪一个时期有我们今天的反腐力度, 这恢复了老百姓对于党中央反腐倡廉的这 种信心。我写的书里有关雍正的反腐内 容,对历史的反腐有一些认识,我们可以 借鉴历史经验,把古今清廉之士的故事变 成教科书,比如古代鞠躬尽瘁的诸葛亮, 海南的海瑞,开封的包公,还有我们现代 的共产党员的好干部焦裕禄书记。”
听完了二月河的发言,王岐山说:“二月河 的意思我听懂了,因为我了解他,比他了 解我多。他写的‘帝王系列’我认真看了。看 了他的书,就能读懂他。知音是什么,
音是通过听音乐就能听懂作曲人想要表达 什么。”
他表示,现在中央下决心,要一年一年地 坚持,将反腐倡廉工作一抓到底。
王岐山对在场的代表们说:“我关注着中州 大地。河南人的水平不是一般的高,现代
他风趣地说:“郑州是历史文化名城,但论 饭做得好吃,还是开封,那毕竟曾是宋都 啊。” (中原网讯 董黎 张锡磊 李明德 李恒)
whjho aka VTO2016

* Submitted by TRE reader.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?176926-When-officials-are-paid-more-there-is-more-corruption&goto=newpost).