View Full Version : Useless MP Sitoh wayangs in Parliament

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27-10-2013, 03:40 AM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Useless MP Sitoh wayangs in Parliament (http://www.tremeritus.com/2013/10/25/useless-mp-sitoh-wayangs-in-parliament/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostDateIcon.png October 25th, 2013 | http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/themes/WP_010/images/PostAuthorIcon.png Author: Contributions (http://www.tremeritus.com/author/contributor/)

http://www.tremeritus.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/safe_image1-300x155.jpgMP Sitoh Yih Pin of Potong Pasir asked Minister Khaw in
Parliament recently (21 Oct) whether MND could reconsider its decision to remove
the 400-metre running track of Cedar Girls Secondary School when its lease
expires in 2017.

This is how MND replied [Link (http://app.mnd.gov.sg/Newsroom/NewsPage.aspx?ID=4917&category=Parliamentary%20Q%20&%20A&year=2013&RA1=&RA2=&RA3=)]:

1. We have carefully considered the Member’s request with the Ministry of
Education and the Singapore Sports Council.

2. Since 1995, the track and field site has been safeguarded as part of a
larger area for residential development. In 2007, at the request of the Cedar
Girls’ Secondary School, it was allowed to use the site on a temporary basis for
10 years, as there was no immediate need for the site. It was understood and
agreed that the lease for use will be a temporary one and that when the lease
expires in 2017, the site will be returned for the development of the new
Bidadari Estate. It will provide 600 HDB flats, a road, a health and medical
development and a place of worship.

3. When HDB recently exhibited its plans for the new Bidadari Estate at
an exhibition, public feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with 96% of
respondents in support of the plans. The new Bidadari Estate will have a 10 ha
park, a jogging path and a cycling track with a 20m wide linear park weaving
throughout the estate. All residents and the local community, including the
school, will be able to benefit from these new facilities.

4. In view of the impending development, we are unable to allow the
school to extend the lease of the site.

Issued by: Ministry of National Development
Date : 21 October
A Facebook page [Link (https://www.facebook.com/CedarRunningTrack)] was set up in
support of the track and currently has 2,885 ‘likes’. In the ‘About’ page, it

“It is important also to understand that the track does not just serve Cedar
and Cedar Primary School next door. The track is regularly used by other schools
such as Victoria School, Victoria Junior College, St Stephen’s School and
Gongshang Primary for their weekly training sessions. The Junior Sports Academy
(an initiative by MOE) trains there every Saturday as well. In essence the loss
of the track would impact more than just the two Cedar schools.”

A netizen Lian Buck Koh said:

This 400m track is part of the Cedar heritage and landscape, My sister raced
on it in the 80s, my daughter now trains on it. Cedarians take much pride and
they’ve ruled the schools athletics scene for decades. Mention Cedar Girls and
track and fields comes next to their mind.

Taking away the track is attempting to remove this niche, this heritage. It’s
like taking away the Ascension Church in Saint Andrew’s School.

In a time where the young generation are getting perilously engrossed in
social medial that we are at risk of seeing a generation who will not be able to
socialise, interact and develope as a cohesive community, it is through sports
that we put a balance to things.

There is no point building more houses when the homes are isolated and broken
because our youths are not provided the proper infrastructures to excel and

I believe the government can turn this decision around. I’m sure the
architects can build houses and roads around the track, and not cutting a road
through just to save some costs.

If this is you want in a SG conversation, this is what we are telling
I can’t believe that Sitoh being in the same PAP party as Khaw did not know
the answer beforehand – that MND will proceed with its housing development plan
no matter what. One phone call he will know the answer straight away.

So why even bothered to bring this up in Parliament? Just to show that you
“care” for the residents?

And I can guess that Sitoh will just stop there, after “showing” that he has
“cared” for the residents by posing such a question in Parliament. He won’t do
anything more. He will tell the residents that MND has explained its position –
it’s for the greater good, blah blah blah.

If Chiam is still in charge of Potong Pasir, I’m sure he will do his best to
pursue the matter to the end. I’m not saying that we don’t build more HDBs for
Singaporeans. But at least, Chiam may be able to force a compromise with MND to
alter their plans so as to accommodate everyone.

What a big wayang, Sitoh!

Cedar 400m track

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://sammyboy.com/showthread.php?167057-Useless-MP-Sitoh-wayangs-in-Parliament&goto=newpost).