View Full Version : Best of both world

09-09-2013, 05:05 PM
Decided to write some of my true stories over here . A brief about myself , I'm a guy with some fetish about cross dressing . If anyone of you can't accept a bit of transexual staff , please press the back button now

Of course, I do have encounters with girls , as the title says, I can have best of both world . A pussy and a cock :)

Let my first part began.

"Ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti" my hp SMS alert began vibrating . It was Nokia SMS alert with the alert call special if you guys can remember it .

" hey L (me), later confirm ah, I meet u 630 pm suntec there at millennium walk" it's my buddy
"K" I replied

I dont always tend to be late but in fact I will always be earlier a bit when meeting people . It was 620 and I'm walking around suntec . Seeing here and there and slowly making my way to meet my friend. It was just a social gathering with some MLM elements inside . They been inviting me for their unofficial gathering which means they go out to play instead of talking MLM , so being nothing to do, I agreed to meet them.

I step inside xin wang hk restaurant inside, there i spotted my friend and some of my friend matual friends. I took a seat and scan around , no new peeps, nothing fanciful people around . There were 7 of us seated. 4 gals 3 guys

" hey L , long time no see Liao lei " my friend says
" busy recently no time play la" I replied

"BOOM" another voice from behind...

Turn my head around, I saw a girl lets call her E , trying to scare my friend while he is talking to me . In fact, I think she managed to scare me more successfully than my friend .

" this is E"
" hi I'm L"

After a short intro , e sitted just across me. I took a second closer look without being too obvious. Sweet and cute. Long silky hair like those shampoo ad. During the whole conversation , I notice something, she is sweet but never act chio, to sum it up, she have a sense of aura that make her attractive but I can't really describe .

We decided to went to movie and sing ktv .

Nothing went much for movie , all is normal ...

After movie, we head to ktv , and I also anyhow sit and by chances she sitted beside me ...