View Full Version : INCREDULOUS but true

09-09-2013, 02:34 PM
Incredulous reports from around the globe.

09-09-2013, 02:34 PM

09-09-2013, 02:38 PM
Posted by: Jon Ben-Mayor on 08/09/2013 08:58 AM (Source:majorgeeks.com)

A monkey attacked an 8 month old baby as his mother was changing him at a zoo in Southwest China; the monkey absconded with one of the toddler's testicles.

According to the Mirror, the mother was changing her son's diaper when the animal attacked, ripping off the testicle before dropping it onto the ground.

An elderly man then reportedly picked up the severed appendage but the monkey snatched it from his hand before scampering away and eating it.

The boy's injury is not life-threatening, Chinese media reports.

Monkey numbers at the zoo are said to have rocketed from around 70 to 500 in the past few years.

The animals are fed three times a day by their keepers. Sadly it was four times on this day.

However, members of the public are understood to like to feed the monkeys too - despite the presence of signs warning against this.



中国贵阳黔灵山公园发生一起猕猴抓孩子并吃掉睾丸的事件。近日,家长带年仅8个月大的孩子去游玩黔灵山公园 ,在公园麒麟洞附近,母亲给小孩换尿布的时候,被一只猴子突然袭击。小孩睾丸抓掉在地上,被一老人捡起,但 猴子抢夺过去并大嚼吃掉。

据医生说:小孩没有生命危险,但右侧睾丸已被猴子吞食,输精管断裂,生殖器也缺失了一半,即便治愈,以后生 殖能力将受到很大影响

09-09-2013, 02:39 PM

新加坡發生一起離奇的「偷情斷根」事件。一名女秘書跟老闆有染,日前她在車內替男方口交,沒想到一輛貨車倒 車撞上,突如其來的衝擊讓她受到驚嚇,結果牙根一咬竟把老闆的陰莖咬斷。

根據當地媒體報導,這起「車禍」發生在東海岸公園停車場,一名老闆搞上已婚女秘書,2人下班後去幽會,沒想 到正當2人在車內親熱時,一輛貨車要倒退駛出停車場,卻失控撞上老闆的轎車,衣衫不整的女秘書就「禍從口出 」。

這對偷情男女更沒想到,其實兩人已經被女秘書丈夫所雇用的私家偵探所監視,偵探看到這起血淋淋的慘劇,趕緊 打電話叫救護車,並且向女方丈夫回報狀況。

報導說,女秘書丈夫趕到現場憤怒不已,不過女秘書看到老闆受到重傷,也顧不了丈夫,趕緊撿起老闆的「鳥」火 速趕往醫院。偵探接受媒體訪問時指出,他並不清楚偷情男子的生殖器接合手術是否成功,不過僱主已經決定離婚 。