View Full Version : HIV = AIDS - Fact Or Fraud?

26-06-2013, 04:40 PM
anyone whom have medical knowledge care to share your views?


26-06-2013, 04:56 PM
HIV is not AIDS.

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It is a virus that attacks the T helper cells in your body.

When a person kena HIV infection, he might not die as the HIV virus is in latent mode. It replicates when the infected helper cell replicates or it makes more copies to infect more helper cells.

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a condition in humans in which the progressive failure of the immune system allows other virus like influenza or cancer to thrive.

HIV causes AIDS as T helper cells are killed. When the no. of t helper cells fall below a certain level, body defense mechanism fails and u can die even from common cold.

Hope it helps

26-06-2013, 05:12 PM
Seen this video quite sometime ago, yea maybe it's fake. it's all about $ nowadays