View Full Version : Only 'STUPID' People Believe Zionist Conspiracy Theories

Sammyboy RSS Feed
14-06-2013, 04:10 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

Henry Ford published a series of essays under the title "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem.

"And if after having elected their man, obedience is not rendered to Jewish control, then you speedily hear of "scandals" and "investigations" and "impeachments" for the removal of the disobedient."

"I know who caused World War I - the Jewish bankers! I have the evidence. Facts!"

- Henry Ford

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Thomas Edison was a close friend to Henry Ford and blamed Jews for all of the world's major problems.. Jewish sources made clear that Edison share Ford's view of the "Big Jews". Edison struggled for many years to keep the Jews from using his motion pictures without paying royalties. He eventually lost control to the Jews who later establish Hollywood.

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Ezra Pound was the pre-eminent American poet of the 20th century. He mentored Ernest Hemingway, TS Elliot, Robert Frost, and other great writers. Pound was never shy about expressing his feelings towards the ''Big Jews'' who he blamed for both World Wars.

“You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, the big Jew has rotted every nation he has wormed into.”

- Ezra Pound

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Bobby Fischer is considered by many to be the greatest chess player ever. Fischer was very outspoken in his condemnation of the Zionist conspirators controlling America. Like Ezra Pound, Fischer also became an 'ex-pat', relocating to Japan.

''My main interest is to expose the Jews..... This is a lot bigger than me....... They're not just persecuting me....... This is life and death for the world.................These God-damn Jews have to be stopped.............They're a menace to the whole world.''

- Quote by Bobby Fischer

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.singsupplies.com/showthread.php?154445-Only-STUPID-People-Believe-Zionist-Conspiracy-Theories&goto=newpost).