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View Full Version : The number of pulses during ejaculation

01-09-2012, 03:22 PM
Not sure if any bro has been keeping record of this, i.e. the number of times your little bro squirts during one round of ejaculation.

After taking the botea superba tablets from Thailand, I noticed an increase in the number of "pulses" during one round of ejaculation.

01-09-2012, 03:33 PM
Not sure if any bro has been keeping record of this, i.e. the number of times your little bro squirts during one round of ejaculation.

After taking the botea superba tablets from Thailand, I noticed an increase in the number of "pulses" during one round of ejaculation.

wat kind of pills is that? safe to use?

01-09-2012, 06:06 PM
It depends on how long you were teasing and stopping yourself before you came. :p

3 years back when I was damn high and playing with myself for 3 hours... I ever pumped out 5 pulses of load before. And wow the orgasm was so good my penis was working like an air compressed oil top up pump(I think the army technicians out there know what I mean). That was a bit of an exaggeration, but yeah... very intense.

I think the pill just made u last longer in bed. Anyway, why you want to know how many times you pump out? I don't really think that there's a relation to the intensity of the orgrasm to the number of times you pump from my own observations. Although it's true in general that the more you pump out, the better your orgrasm is, but I have had some orgasms where I just shot out one huge load in one shot, and that was good too ;).

01-09-2012, 06:41 PM
Not sure if any bro has been keeping record of this, i.e. the number of times your little bro squirts during one round of ejaculation.

After taking the botea superba tablets from Thailand, I noticed an increase in the number of "pulses" during one round of ejaculation.

I beleive your nick says it all..peter north wannabe eh..
I dream of capable to shoot like him hahaha

01-09-2012, 06:57 PM
3-4 times I guess it all really depends. Curious to know what pills those are? Any side effects?

02-09-2012, 02:03 AM
It depends on how long you were teasing and stopping yourself before you came. :p

Bro, it also depends on one's age.

But the rest of your description is very accurate. The more the number of pulses, the greater the volume of your semen。  So you can say that the pill actually increases the volume of your semen.

03-09-2012, 12:06 AM
IMO, the number of pulses does not affect the endorphins released during orgasm