View Full Version : Smokers Beware n bewarned....@ peace centre

06-11-2010, 11:59 PM
Just reported to NEA about operators of KTVs in Peace Centre not stopping customers from Smoking in the KTV. Very soon, there will be multiple raidings. If you are a smoker, let this be a gentle reminder not to light up in the KTV else u run the risk of getting fined!!


07-11-2010, 09:05 PM
Ok, tmr will be the start of 1st round of raidings....


08-11-2010, 09:15 AM
Just reported to NEA about operators of KTVs in Peace Centre not stopping customers from Smoking in the KTV. Very soon, there will be multiple raidings. If you are a smoker, let this be a gentle reminder not to light up in the KTV else u run the risk of getting fined!!


Bro, you finally appeared :D

23-11-2010, 09:07 PM
Ok, the next target will be level 4 Monte Carlo....smokers walked around the hall and smoke in the hall n private KTV rooms like machiam no body business. KTV waitresses n management totally bochap.

Hahaha....should be anytime this week ......:cool:

24-11-2010, 07:50 PM
Y should u report this? If u r non smoker then just stay in yr room. Y non smoker keep pointing at smoker? U wan smoker to respect u so pls jolly well respect them back if not then just leave the place and find a non smoking MTV or club u like! Asshole.

24-11-2010, 09:04 PM
spermlord your rep is amazing.

25-11-2010, 12:28 AM
Y should u report this? If u r non smoker then just stay in yr room. Y non smoker keep pointing at smoker? U wan smoker to respect u so pls jolly well respect them back if not then just leave the place and find a non smoking MTV or club u like! Asshole.

Bro, btw air con can't smoke ms. He is right to certain extend
No hard feels

25-11-2010, 01:20 AM
Ok, the next target will be level 4 Monte Carlo....smokers walked around the hall and smoke in the hall n private KTV rooms like machiam no body business. KTV waitresses n management totally bochap.

Hahaha....should be anytime this week ......:cool:

Were u there on that day? I was there with my colleagues, we were there from 6pm onwards in the room. and moved out to the hall at about 10pm and we stayed till 1am. There were people smoking in the hall but only one or two customers. its a very common scene in most pubs, ktvs and nightspots as well. I doubt your reporting to NEA would do any help here.:rolleyes:

25-11-2010, 11:07 PM
we will come and take $$$$ from you guys. get ready to be fine this week